Eric B

Our family needs your prayers. I would prefer that it be an unspoken request, but we need God's Love and His Guidance. There are others involved, and we ask that you pray for them as well.

Thank you
We are praying for you, Eric

Dear Eric,
Whatever it is, you must really be hurting now. I pray that God gives you guidance and peace. Come Sunday, I'll put you on our Sunday School prayer list. We'll try to round up as many Methodists as we can without throwing a potluck dinner.
May God bless you,
If we can be of any other kind of help, Eric, don't hesitate to ask.


Hi Eric,
Tomorrow morning I'm preaching at the Methodist Church and your request will gladly be honored,
God bless,
Like Doug said if there is anything we can do let us know. My family will pray for your needs and I will add you to our prayer list at church also.

Eric B said:
Our family needs your prayers......

Whatever it is, Eric, your request is gladly honored in my home.

If things work out, and you feel you can, let us know.
I will pray for you and your family.

It shouldn't be inappropriate to ask for or to pray.

It should be inappropriate that to do either has even the potential of being otherwise.

3 John 2

What an awesome website! It's great to have so many brothers in Christ. You and your family will be on our prayer list also. We're a bunch of Baptist here, so I hope the Methodist don't hold it against me! Just kidding guys, seriously we will pray earnestly for God's dicernment, guidance, and spiritual healing.
With you in spirit.

May His will be done above our will, for His will is always greater than ours.
Brother as you are a believer, have faith, you are in His will.

He is able.

Brothers in Christ, Tom

I'm not religious, but you have my sincere thoughts and hopes. I am touched by how much support the people from VAf are expressing. Truly a great community.