


[ed. Can't see pic - (1629Z - MacBook Pro and PC Desktop both up to date). Congrats if that's a pink slip folks are talking about below. Huge achievement!!!! v/r,dr]
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CONGRATULATIONS! When I received my pink slip several years ago, A retired FedEx pilot shook my hand and told me that only about 15% of people who ever start to build an Aircraft actually finish it. I Don?t know where he got the information and 15% seems low to me. Anyway, You?re now officially a member of an elite club. Enjoy the flying!
Congratulations! You have been on an incredible pace. Let us know the timeline from start to first flight.
Way to go! I'm sure you'll have your test time flown off by the 1st Saturday in November; plan on being the 1st -14 to attend our annual Pumpkin Drop here at Slobovia Outernational, just north of Jackson MS.

Yeah Bill, you better cough up some serious credit to your helper. Failure to do so might be what Ms. Patti calls a "jewelry offense" ;)
Phoenix gets the lion's share of the credit. Not only has she been there every step keeping us organized but somehow managed to enjoy it while putting up with me at the same time. Not sure how she does it but I am very thankful. Amazing woman.

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...only about 15% of people who ever start to build an Aircraft actually finish it.
I never believed it until spent two full years sanding/filling/primering/sanding/primering/filling/ over and over (The curse of a fiberglass airplane). I was pretty much a broken man after that ordeal. So I took ten years off to build a house. After deciding to finish up the project, it took another five years to do the avionics, hydraulics, and all the other little stuff. Now I believe that 15% statistic. The actual percentage may be closer to 20%, but it's still low. You gotta' be a he77 of a man to build and airplane and stick with it. You did good bkervaski!
Congrats to both of you!!

Those of us with spouses that enjoy building, flying and all that goes with our hobby are truly blessed.

Wow, an incredible pace is an understatement. Nice job. Hope to see you around the Alabama and Georgia fly-ins now :)
Congratulations Bill! I knew you and Phoenix were going to have that plane done quick. It was so nice to meet both of you a while back ago. Fly safe!
Thanks, all!

We're taking a couple days off and then back to buttoning it up and the remainder of my list plus some recommendations from Dan and Vic and then start first flight planning!

Very exciting :)