
Well Known Member
I'm posting this knowing others have much more than I have in my panel

BUT..........I just added it up.........I now officially have MORE in my panel than what I bought my first house for in 1981...$25,000 at 18%, back in the Jimmy Carter days:eek:

That's just not right!!
My EFIS cost more than my kit. My panel cost more than my kit and new engine. But everything combined will still be much less than a new spam can and better performance. I can live with that.
Oh, I'm saying it in a good way, I just remember my wife and I sitting in the bank lobby worried to death we wouldn't get out house and now I'm looking at this panel sitting on my great room table..........and it just doesn't seem right:confused:

Hey Doug, I'm thinking about downsizing, care to part with that sweet pink estrogen express ride of yours:D
Most panels in -10s are in the $50-$75K range. According to Steinair his RV-10 panels are in the $90K range. That's more than I spend on my X-wife! :confused:
Not all of our RV-10 Panels are $90K - but some are. Some are less and some are more! I know we've done RV10 panels for nearly every budget out there, rich or poor. I guess a lot of people like having their Cirrus type plane with similar avionics in it an nearly 1/3rd the cost - who can blame them!

And...ya'll should know by now. We have two mottos coined for us by our customers. I think we'll put one of them on the back of our OSH shirts. Here they are:

1) "We're not happy....'till you're broke"

2) "The best ALL your money can buy".

Dean Sombke actually made me a SteinAir shirt with #1 on it after we did his RV10 stuff, so I thought it might be fun to have something similar at OSH. Which one do ya'll like best?

The only problem is that I'm sure someone would take it seriously and get offended by it! :)


PS, we've still got a long way to go with Dana before he's completely out of money! :D
Test out the color

Presidents were red as power ties.

Is this Doug's power color?

They still can

I remember when people could fly with an airspeed indicator and a compass.

I have around $20K in my RV-6A panel and I fly it IFR. It is difficult in some situations since I only have one Nav receiver but in my case it is only a little short of a good fit. I would like an SL-30 to avoid some of the backward GPS bearing interpretations for radials and GPS distance correlations with DME values when I have to make step down fixes etc. but it is accurate and it works for me. If I spent $70K to $90K for a panel the opportunity cost in flying and other areas of life would be intolerable.

Bob Axsom
Free Advertising

And...ya'll should know by now. We have two mottos coined for us by our customers. I think we'll put one of them on the back of our OSH shirts. Here they are:

1) "We're not happy....'till you're broke"

This one gets my vote.

I built a "poor man's" panel VFR only for about 10k. I did order some supplies from Stein including the fancy air vents. Considering I only spent a few hundred bucks, I was surprised when he sent me a free tee. just never know when this is going to pay off. I've worn this shirt all over the world and had my picture taken in it.

After seeing a sneak preview of the August Sport Aviation, NOW I'm thinking...

Trip to Turks and Caicos . . . . . . $5,000
Promo T-shirt . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10.00
Free Advertising for Stein . . . . . .Priceless

I'm posting this knowing others have much more than I have in my panel

BUT..........I just added it up.........I now officially have MORE in my panel than what I bought my first house for in 1981...$25,000 at 18%, back in the Jimmy Carter days:eek:

That's just not right!!
If it makes you feel any better, here is what says $25,000 "today" would have been in 1981:

In 1981, $25,000.00 from 2007 is worth:
$10,963.77 using the Consumer Price Index
$12,352.51 using the GDP deflator
$8,426.59 using the value of consumer bundle
$11,022.59 using the unskilled wage
$7,419.75 using the nominal GDP per capita
$5,650.48 using the relative share of GDP

The calculator wouldn't let me put in 2008, so I had to use 2007.
I remember when people could fly with an airspeed indicator and a compass.
I instruct in a G1000 C172, and still make my students do their first cross country that way :eek: They actually enjoy the challenge!
I had a Sport Pilot student who had his own plane and a Garmin 496. On his first solo XC the batteries died, so he was glad I made him do the 'traditional' flight planning.
Murphy's Law has not been repealed :rolleyes:
First Bonanza

In 1947, Beech rolled out a 1,000 D35 Bonanzas at the hefty price of $7,975. Wonder what the equates to today??
In 1947, Beech rolled out a 1,000 D35 Bonanzas at the hefty price of $7,975. Wonder what the equates to today??

Using the website listed above:
$74,017.57 using the Consumer Price Index
$61,532.67 using the GDP deflator
$117,560.69 using the value of consumer bundle *
$128,211.65 using the unskilled wage *
$215,743.99 using the nominal GDP per capita
$452,024.44 using the relative share of GDP

There is a 2008 G36 Bonanza in "Controller" listed at $645,000 with 4 hours on it. Of course you didn't get glass in 1947. :) Before I get flamed, I know there are lot's of differences really between the two airplanes.
Hey Stein, how 'bout "We're not done 'till you're broke" instead of

Sounds less predatory so less people po'd? I however love it either way though and understand completely!:D
We thought of the "happy" thing...but it's SO cliche, and WAYYY to many people use it with little success. Plus, some people are awful hard to make happy! :)

I figured if people take it the wrong way, then they won't be able to handle my warped sense of humor anyway....and the end result is that they wouldn't be happy!

We'll still have the standard shirts for those who are sensitive to political correctness, but for those with a decent sense of humor - these will be there for the taking! Kind of like last year's "I'm not GMCJetpilot" shirts....I wish I'd have gotten one of those! :)

If people take it too seriously, then there will be some free "rags" after the show!

If you think you can handle it, stop by and pick one up!

Exhibit Hangar "B", booths 2145 and 2146....BTW, we're limited in the number of shirts we can give away at OSH (by the EAA) so there will only be "x" hundred to give away....but we'll be sending a lot of them out with orders here in the next few weeks. If you tell us you'll wear a shirt at OSH, we'll send a free shirt with most orders. There will probably also be a bunch given away in various other places (like the RV10 campers area) outside of the airshow proper! We've been doing the free shirt thing for years, but this years colors are different (we try to change it up a little bit).

Cheers and see ya'll at OSH!
