Awesome Video...but...

The video is AWESOME...but someone should dub some good music onto the audio track.
The only time the audio was interesting to me was at the top of the loops.
Just my humble opinion.
Camera Details

Can anyone contact this person? My U-Tube setup is not letting me send a message.

I am interested in details: camera, mount, media, recorder, etc.

rv7boy said:
The video is AWESOME...but someone should dub some good music onto the audio track.
The only time the audio was interesting to me was at the top of the loops.
Just my humble opinion.
Want music? How about this...

or this...

camera - Canon ZR700 mini DV camcorder

camera mount - custom 4-leg pan,tilt, attaches to screws on wingtip or cowling/fuse joint

Aft-facing video with music is shot from the cockpit interior and has a lot of glare. The one without music is a rough cut with no final editing or music - not mine, btw.
Last edited:
I don't know who they are, but they did a beautiful job....and the landscape is awful familiar to me....sure looks like Galveston bay, the Gulf Coast, and Ellington field, unless I miss my guess....

Maybe "Low Pass" knows? ;)

Ironflight said:
I don't know who they are, but they did a beautiful job....and the landscape is awful familiar to me....sure looks like Galveston bay, the Gulf Coast, and Ellington field, unless I miss my guess....

Maybe "Low Pass" knows? ;)

Looks like that!! Maybe Bolivar Pennensula and West Bay too.
Low Pass said:
not mine, btw.

Sounds like one of those "I didn't do it, but I know who did" ;) If you happen to know or see the guy responsible pass along my regards and tell him to keep em coming.
Low Pass said:
Looks like that!! Maybe Bolivar Pennensula and West Bay too.

Bryan, isn't that some of your Lone Star guys. I would guess David with the camera and smoke. I think I recognized the RV-4 also.

RV8N said:
Yep, that was the one I was thinking of.

How 'bout it Low Pass? Your guys?

Quality flying, quality video... Guess we could take credit. ;) ;)

Check your PMs. I sent you a message. BTW - when are we going to meet at Mike's for a cold one?? My dad's in town this weekend. Maybe we'll stop by and get an update on his house/hangar construction.
This weekend sounds good. I'm working on my annual condition inspection so should be there all day. Make mine a Shiner (unless you can find some Alaskan Amber or Moose Drool).

It been remove!

The video has been removed by the owner. Too bad. I think that is about the best RV video I've seen.
Updated the video with music

Hello all.
This is my first time on the VAF Forums.
Lots of interesting stuff here.

I've updated the formation video with music that my 14 yr old daughter provided. I like it better, hope you like it.

Low Pass is lead and I'm chase.

Great stuff

Hi Jeff.

These are great vids. I had one of those days building my 8 today, you know where things don't turn out as good as you might like. I sat behind my computer a frustrated man and after watching this again I thought, Man when I get to do that, I'll not be thinking about the little mistakes I made today.
Glad to see you on board with VAF, and we hope to see more videos.