
Well Known Member
It has been eleven months of pure joy building and two months of anxiety for paint process but she finally got done and after three weeks of transport, final assembly and sign off, today was the first good weather day for the first flight.

I want to take this time to thank first and foremost, my wife for being absolutely wonderful and supportive in this project and never hesitate to come to the garage to give a helping hand. Second, I like to thank VANs team for creating such wonderful kit that is just a joy to build, they have outdone themselves. Lastly, I like to thank Doug and this great community for always providing good support, friendly feedback and ideas.

Today I made two flights, one 30 minute and one nearly two hours. The aim of second flight was to break-in the engine. She flew without any issues, all temps were good and she was fast.

I do realize I still have lots of work and tweaking, calibration and configuration of the avionics. I do have a bit of right wing heavy which not sure how to go about resolving as my rigging seem to be spot on. One flap sits about 0.6 degree higher than the other but I am not sure if that is enough to cause a heavy wing. For those before me and if they had a heavy wing (RV14) would appreciate any feedback as how you resolved it.
Congratulations. And good work on your build schedule. You make me feel slow when I had felt fast. But it has to be said...

Pictures or it didn?t happen. :)
Thank you guys, I don't have any decent pix yet but here are a few that I took in the hanger.

Once I get some better pictures out of the hanger, I will post them.
WOW! Care to share some of those paint color names, and how you accomplished that incredible glare shield? It looks stunning.
Start over...

That is way too pretty for an airplane. You should start over and screw it up a bit this time. It will make the rest of us feel better...

Wow! Just friggen gorgeous!
Beautiful job!

Is that cherry wood? I may have to pay you the ultimate compliment in copying it! Beautiful!
Is that cherry wood? I may have to pay you the ultimate compliment in copying it! Beautiful!

Hi Don,
It is actually Walnut and if you have also made one, then let me compliment you on your work, it did take a bit to bend it to shape and do the rest of required work.
Very nicely done Mehrdad!

Remember to create a custom configuration for your P-mags prior to engine start. (I think you may have already done this.)

It looks great!

I hope you and your wife enjoy it and have many trouble free hours!
Eleven months to build, Holy Moley

Eleven months to build such a beautiful aircraft plus two for paint blows my mind. :eek: By any chance would you tell us the total hours you posted in your build log. These newer kits must be pretty complete.
Eleven months to build such a beautiful aircraft plus two for paint blows my mind. :eek: By any chance would you tell us the total hours you posted in your build log. These newer kits must be pretty complete.
I substituted some of the time that goes into detailing the build log and hours into building the plane so don't have a good count on the hours. But I have put the typical build hours into this, my estimate is an average of 40 hours a week during the build and there was no waiting for parts as I anticipated and ordered early. The big help for me is building at home which saves all the travel time to/from hanger.

Hope this helps others.

Chubby and beautiful, even more beautiful then your RV-7A. Can't wait to see her in person.


Love it!

With that short of time to build, have you had your hand in Previous projects/experience in another capacity?
Beautiful! Love the wood. I'm planning on some wood on my panel. If it comes out the way I envision it in my mind it should look pretty sweet. My wife thinks I'm nuts how much I like wood grain.
Thanks Charlie, your airport is in my area of phase one, we can hook up for a flight some time soon.

Beautiful! Love the wood. I'm planning on some wood on my panel. If it comes out the way I envision it in my mind it should look pretty sweet. My wife thinks I'm nuts how much I like wood grain.

I am the same way, some wood more than others. I think it gives it a nice and unique touch. I encourage you to do it. This looks much better in person than picture.

Mehrdad, that plane is a thing of beauty. All I have to say is you are a rockstar! 1 year to build that beautiful craft is just awesome.

Congrats to you bud.
Thank you everyone for the compliments. I will be adding a few more pix of small modifications/additions as soon as I get a chance and better weather. The pix in the hanger does not come out well.

Yes, it was steamed to shape.