
Well Known Member
Hey guys! I have been away from the Vans world for about 7 years. I had a RV9A that I built through the empennage and 1/2 the wings and sold back when the financial demands of three kids exceeded my willpower to continue an aircraft build. I ended up building a Cobra Shelby Roadster instead (which probably didn't save me much money). Well, the car is done, the kids are older and I'm bored without a project. The RV12 has always been in the back of my mind because of its mission perfectly aligning with the type of flying I like to do as well as the sport pilot medical.
My first question...does someone have a list of the tools I would need to build an RV12? I got rid of most of my aviation tools when I sold my 9A so I'd like to have an idea of what I need.
Second question...any one in MN who has one of these that would be willing to let me take a look at it? Here’s a pic of the Cobra since I know someone is going to ask for it.:D
Thanks guys!!


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Hi Aaron, the RV12 is a great kit, and a lot of fun to fly (I'm biased, completed an RV12ULS in 2016 and an RV12iS in 2020). Great suggestion from Carl re: needed tools. You can also order the complete kit assembly instructions on a flash drive for further details on what you would be diving into:


I'm in Southeast Wisconsin and would be happy to talk all things RV12, show you my plane and take you for a flight if you get down this way. I know of at least one RV12 in the Minneapolis area and could reach out to the owner if you don't get a local leads.

Good luck,
Hi Aaron--

I'm in the midst of building an RV-12 and am impressed with the kit, plans, and support. For a good list of tools try Cleaveland Aircraft Tools -- they have a list specific for the -12. The Van's plans also have a good list of tools needed, and you can get the complete list of plans as PDF docs for a few dollars. For builders near you, check out the EAA Builders' Log web site, where you can search by location. I'm in Duluth (not on the site) but you'll find builders who are closer.
Yeeeeaaaah Buddy!

I knew you couldn't stay away forever! :D

I'm working my way through the 9A fuselage. Get the 12 kit and you'll pass me up again in no time!
Aaron, it is great to see you back. Best of luck with your build. I FINALLY got my 9A and loving it.
Thanks guys! Its awesome to see that many of you are still here pounding rivets and/or still flying your RV's.
While I haven't committed yet, I am doing my due diligence to ascertain if I really do indeed want to do this. The RV12 is just so appealing to me on many levels (ease of build, ease of flight, cost of ownership, sport pilot licensure...etc, etc) that it is hard for me not to want to do it. I have been watching lots of RV12 videos and they sure seem like capable light sport aircraft.
My plan is to start this fall/winter if I move ahead with it. I'll keep you all posted. Great to hear from you and for those of you who posted links...thanks for the help!
I built a 9A, 7 and a 12. Once I got my 3rd class back I built a 7A Quick-build since I wanted to fly quicker and was spoiled from pulling rivets on the 12 and not pounding. The 12 goes together so fast you can build in a year or so. Since the 7A, I also build a Factory Five Cobra too probably in close to the same time as the 12 build.
Lead Times

Be sure to take a look at the kit lead times before you set your schedule. The lead times have improved from a year ago, but they're still pretty significant.
I built a 9A, 7 and a 12. Once I got my 3rd class back I built a 7A Quick-build since I wanted to fly quicker and was spoiled from pulling rivets on the 12 and not pounding. The 12 goes together so fast you can build in a year or so. Since the 7A, I also build a Factory Five Cobra too probably in close to the same time as the 12 build.

It’s a trend! I finished my 10 years ago and recently started itching for another build - the Factory Five Cobra fit the bill quite nicely.