
Sidney, BC, Canada
Are there any interesting aviation things to do in Tucson on June 19th and 20th? I may be in town for a week on business and have to find something to do over the weekend. Airshows? Fly-ins? What's the closest GA airport with lots of RV's at it so I could go swap hangar stories? ;)

Any suggestions appreciated...
Gee, Rob, talk about picking the hottest month of the year! Not a lot of activity here then (that I know of), however if you have never been here then the Pima Air and Space Museum would be a must. If you do go, make sure you take the motorized tram, it will save your feet a little and those docents really know each airplane and fill you in. From there you could also schedule a tour of the DMAFB "Bone-yard" but I have never taken the tour, just flown over the place thousands of times. The RV's that are in town are sort of spread out, but I favor Ryan Airfield (KRYN) because it is my home base. Depending on where you are staying, Marana Airpark might be closer if you are staying on the north or northwest side of town. Ryan is about 12 miles due west of the city. If you are city central or south, Tucson International is easy and nice secure parking. Hope this helps and sorry I won't be in town or I would buy you an ice tea. Take care, Glenn