
I'm New Here
I finally got my Thunderbolt in and will be installing it on my -10 along with a new Hartzall prop. A few details:
The plane is currently a great flier with mid 300 hours airframe and smoh. It's a fixed pitch and I was told the engine is hollow crankshaft, but I bought an engine anyways.
I have the prop, engine, gov, gov cable, and new baffle kit from Vans. The engine is at it ships from Lycoming with mags etc..
Any suggestions from the crowd on items not listed that I may need?
I would go ahead and replace the used isolator mounts with new ones.

I believe Vans sends out mount isolators with their firewall forward kit. I am waiting on my engine now, so I'm interested in this thread. Are the isolators that Vans provides good or should I consider different ones that may last longer or perform better?
Check magneto timing, both new Lyc's I purchased arrived with incorrect mag timing. I think they run them in the test cell with in house mags, then install your ignition of choice.
I don't know which one vans ships with the FWF kit for the 10, but typically the Barry mounts are solid hockey puck style and run about $150 a pop. Lord brand was considered top of the line for many years and have hollow cavity inside with a separate silicone insert but are more $

I feel like Barry are more durable. Lord dampens vibration a little better but sometimes the insert will pop and start to leak. You can probably find some threads on here debating between the two.

I'm building an RV7 and the cost delta for a full set if purchased thru vans was about $300. I have a thunderbolt 390 which is supposedly a well balanced engine anyway, so I elected to go with the Barry mounts and spend my aviation bullets elsewhere.
I believe Vans sends out mount isolators with their firewall forward kit. I am waiting on my engine now, so I'm interested in this thread. Are the isolators that Vans provides good or should I consider different ones that may last longer or perform better?

Vans ships Barry mounts….at least that’s what I got in my kit 6 months ago.
