
Active Member
Read the instruction steps and visualize the process before committing,then read it again. Cheap tools are false economy,my X-brand drill w/jacobs chuck is ineffective on thicker material and has spun in the chuck even drilling the skin to spar [thin stuff],get a good drill w/German made chuck or a regular chuck. I found a Dewalt drill 2500 rpm w/level bubble that works great,little heavy but better than my Taylor drill. My other brother Forrest always said cheap is as cheap does ! Building isn't a race slow down and enjoy it, it's gonna be a long trip. Here's a good one, when cleaning up don't grab the vixen file and slide your fingers over the coarser side,it is as sharp as razor blades and you'll find blood on every thing the next day, its harder to work with most of your fingers bandaged than without. The folks next door love to borrow your oil less compressor to blow out there sprinklers but they don't like hearing it at night,opps. Drill stops are used for a reason. Larger holes 3/16",1/4" drill three sided holes not round ones,use reamers. All your friends/family will suddenly be inviting you to every imaginable get together as soon as you start building an RV and the more you want to work on it the more other stuff needs done not related to the plane, you will need to still socialize and not go hermit,they don't understand. Talk about things other than the plane,they don't care,well most of em don't. Gotta go, if I don't keep working how can I finish this sucker,don't call I,m not answering the phone,no I can't come over for dinner,I know you need help but geez I'm busy, **** the dog needs let out,oh laundry,dishes groceries. Think I'll retire monday ! See ya in a couple years, bye. Gene

Gee! you're a fast learner! One week and you've already found out all this:D

Don't let 'em get to you. Do something every day---even if it's only looking at the catalogs for parts, or the prints to plan future work---do something every day. When you fly your plane, you're not going to believe the satisfaction you'll feel.
Larger holes 3/16",1/4" drill three sided holes not round ones,use reamers.

For the purpose of building RV's don't worry about reamers, get yourself a couple of different step drills and you'll be set for 99% of your large hole drilling needs.

Congrats on getting through your first week.