
Well Known Member
Wing kit arrived over the weekend. Over (NZ) $1500 in GST, then customs fees, import fees, post service charges (!), import preparation fees, customs EDI fees (?) and MAF fees. $905 in fees!!! Then, the sneaky little gits total the whole thing up, and charge GST (tax) on it. So I get walloped for over (NZ) $2450!!! And the boxes still haven't left Auckland; I bet I end up paying freight to Hamilton as well :eek:

rv9aviator said:
A small price to pay to get to live in heaven on earth. :)
Maybe Jim, but think of all the other things I will need to pay exhorbitant tax and freight for... empennage cost me nearly $700. Then there's the fuse kit, finishing kit, all the avionics & instruments (only some of which are available locally and usually at higher prices). What about the engine ?? ... ohmegod double ouch!!! There's practically nothing made locally, everything is imported. Even going through NZ distributors takes weeks and costs $$$ because we don't have economy of scale and the distis just order on demand anyway. It sucks.

You're right in one way though; a few years from now when I finally take to the air in my RV I'll have the hugest of grins, regardless of how much it cost me... :D

I think you need to move to the US, build your airplane, then move back to NZ. Should be an interesting flight across the pond.


jeff's situation is why "underground" economies flourish. the confiscatory taxes are a redistribution of wealth, on a grand scale.