Well Known Member
I occasionally see airplane's fly over my little ranch, but yesterday my friend Rich was flying my 6 and came by and circled a couple of times. I hadn't had an opportunity to see my plane up close really fly from a ground vantage. I was amazed at how fast these little buggers are! I think at that moment, it finally sunk in, what I had accomplished. When I was building the plane, I went about it in a very dedicated method, I worked on it everyday, I didn't spend any time hangar flying or dreaming, I just tried to do every building task as perfectly as I could. The airplane now has about twenty hours on it, after very little tweaking, Rich told me that it flys fast & straight, has really no bad characteristics. That means a lot to me considering he has built three RV6's & one RV10.

I wanted to offer this comment to those who are still building, keep pounding those rivets, do something everyday, do it as well as you can, but do something everyday, pretty soon you'll have an airplane.

Yep, I think it has finally sunk in, now the fun begins.

Wait till you sell it and see it driving or flying away...Its painful to watch!


Its a great feeling. As you said, now the fun begins.

I also remembered that I haven't seen my plane from the ground since it has been painted. (other than pictures). Might have to have someone fly it so I can experience that.
Now that is something I would like to see - my plane flying around the pattern a couple times while I watch from the ground. What a different perspective that would be!

Not sure I trust any of these yahoo pilots in my EAA chapter, though. :eek:
(JK Dave and Tony :p)

Great post