
Well Known Member
Have I mentioned how beautiful polished aluminum can be lately?



I'm so unpolished!
I'm putting it off 'because the sun reflection is too bright if I polish it' :rolleyes:
Nice job Bob.
Bob - that looks terrific indeed!

Any comments on your methodology? I now this is a rebuff/touchup from your original polish work. Have you changed technique / polish etc? Just wondering if you might have tried the new polish advertised by a fairly recently added advertiser here on VAF or if you've stuck with Nuvite?
Looks great Bob! I need to touch up my polish, haven't polished on it since Dec 2011 and I need to get ready for Airventure 15.
Bob - that looks terrific indeed!

Any comments on your methodology? I now this is a rebuff/touchup from your original polish work. Have you changed technique / polish etc? Just wondering if you might have tried the new polish advertised by a fairly recently added advertiser here on VAF or if you've stuck with Nuvite?

this is just a touch up with NuVite Grade S after my long trip back East, which included flying through showers and keeping it outside to get rain and pollen on it.

After i washed it the other day, I needed to get rid of the water spots too.

I'm finding the Grade S to be more than suitable. In the past, I've done the whole compounding thing every time I polish, but I'm finding that the more you use Grade S (only) with the cyclo machine, the better the results.

I will point out that I still have some fingerprint scratches in some areas when I dabbed on (with my finger), the Grade F7 last winter. I'm convinced that in the cold, the aluminum froze the polish as I smeared it around. I can't prove that; but that's what I suspect. I'll have to work those out one of these days.

I'm not aware of the new polish being advertised. I do use that purple stuff on the belly and other places and it does a pretty good job, nothing like Nuvite, though.
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