
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
In case you want to see/re-see the Van’s 50th celebration that was held at Theater in the Woods on Monday night, it is now available on the EA web site:

The first forty-five minutes is young eagles, then they have about fifteen minutes of RV pictures as an “intro roll” while we were all putting on microphones, and the Van’s show starts about an hour in.

I think the best part had to Van’s last story about “Rainmakers” - once he told that one, I knew we weren’t going to top it, and I wrapped up the program!

Yeah, the "Rainmakers" story was too funny!! I wish that everyone could see the airfield they flew from and appreciate what Van created with the "Total Performance" homebuilt.
We made to the pics!

While we couldn't make it to OSH in the RV-4 this year, I see we made the photo intro roll..some great pictures in that!..Paul, thanks for putting out the memo to submit them.