
Active Member
It's been 17 months since I finished the wings on my RV-9A. I have experienced (what I call) the YEAR OF **** (actually 17 months of ****).....but I'm back and ready to take delivery of my fuselage kit TODAY (sometime between 9 am & 1 pm.) I might have mentioned this in a
previous post, but I was a home builder/real estate developer in Michigan, until the bottom fell out and I went out of business...... I didn't order the fuselage back then because I wanted to make sure I was going to be able to put food on the table, let alone spend $ on my project. My income went from a very comfortable living to ZERO! After crying my eyes out many times about losing practically everything I worked to achieve in the last 20 years, I decided pull myself up by my boot straps and get busy. I've had businesses fail before and I know I could rebuild the empire again. I call this new phase of my life THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK! I have been busy buying, remodeling and renting out apartments for the last year. I am almost to the point I want to be now is a good time to commence work on Juliette Whiskey.....again.

I have also been on this site EVERY MORNING during this time and I want to thank Doug and all of you who have inspired me and help fuel my desire to finish this RV. It seems like I've looked at every post and every web site I could find and have built the fuselage in my head many times over. My fuselage has a tip up canopy (just because I like the looks of the tip up better than the slider) plus 2 steps, dual brakes and electric aileron trim. I have been chomping at the bit to begin again.

I also decided to get into better shape during the building hiatus. I've lost 90lbs. and will be able to fit in the plane with full fuel, a passenger and a load of baggage!! I feel much better (and I look Marvelous!)

With my new housing rental business, I'm getting to the point where I will be able to work a few hours in the morning and spend the rest of the day on the plane....this is how I plan to spend the fall and winter, unitil I complete the fuselage and begin the finishing kit....

Again, thanks to all of you in the VAF Forums for helping me keep my dream alive!
an inspiration!


What a great story!

I'm just finishing up my -9A fuselage and I'm also in the middle of flight school (solo next week I think).

My consulting business has been slow this month and I was beginning to worry alittle about the future of the project - and then I read your post.

The economy, business, etc does not look good but if you can do it, so can I!!

Thanks again for the uplifting post!


Such an inspirational story. I admire folks like you who don't let things let them down. Many folks would just go into a state of depression over the whole thing and cease living.

Also big congrats on your weight loss! 90lbs! That's sooo cool. I'm working on increased rate of climb as well -- I lost 30 pounds another 16 to reach my goal weight...but 90..that's just cool!

Best of luck. Keep your head up...and I only hope I can have your attitude when/if bad luck befalls me!

"Joe The Builder". Sorry I could not resist.

Hang in there buddy, and I hope to see your project at OSH next year. Glad you came up with a plan! A lot of guys would just pack it in live off the government.
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Wonderful news.....

.......typical get-er-done attitude. Congratulations on your comeback!

Read my tagline..."The will to build.........."

I feel your pain

Glad to hear that things are getting better for you I live just south of the Michigan line and ?I feel your pain?. My job is not going so great and I was thinking that my fuselage would have to wait. Then I decided to make myself more marketable and added a multi-engine rating a few months ago and am now about to start a part time job with Flight Safety, while still working full time at my other job. I will get a Citation type rating and an opportunity to expand my experience and opportunities for the future. The RV community seems to be full of ?cup half full? people who will find a way to get the job done. I plan on having my 8A flying in 2010 and hope to park next to you at Oshkosh some day, take care and blue skies

ATP-Helo, Comm-Inst MEL, SEL, CFII
LCDR (Ret)
Fabricating the wings (FAA speak)
N308TF (Reserved)
Good story

Glad to see you back, Joe. I'm glad things are getting turned around for you. I takes a lot of effort to put a business together and make it work.

Glad you'll be able to get back to work on the plane.

I wondered what happened to you. At one time we were at about the same point in the build, than I didn't see anything from you. Redford Township isn't that far from Brownstown. May we can get together some time and compare projects.
I know what you mean


I live in Chesterfield Township and I know the feeling of what it is like to work in Michigan lately. I just started a new job downtown and I should be able to keep food on the table for a long time to come. Keep up with your persistance and you will be right back where you were.

Dave Nellis
7A Slider- wings