
Chief Obfuscation Officer
Besides trying to get my head back into the day job, is 7 pages of new posts on VAF!!!! Egads, it's gonna take me some time to get through all these. ;)
Note to self: Next year, bring a laptop!
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Brad, it was a pleasure to finally get to meet you in person.

Thanks for the kind words :) .

Doug, same here -- a true pleasure. I looked for you last year but missed you... it is nice to be able finally cross "Meet and thank Doug Reeves" off my to-do list. ;) :D
Laptops are going to become the next most common thing at Camp Scholler in the years to come...glad I brought mine so Brad could at least check his email! :D ;)
I brought my laptop along but I left it at our rental house. Was great for reading up on all the blogs from others who were at OSH. Got some great tips on things to see that way. Skype also made it nice to keep in touch with the family. Got a video conference going so I could watch my kids make faces at me. :)

Say "Hi" to Doug is still on my to do list.
cjensen said:
Laptops are going to become the next most common thing at Camp Scholler in the years to come...glad I brought mine so Brad could at least check his email! :D ;)

I can see it now in flight laps tops! :eek: lol