
Well Known Member
The worlds first Australians in a Norwegian -7.

Hi all.

Just wanted to share some pics and a "worlds-first-event" with you: a few weeks ago, Finlay Atherton and his charming wife Lisa from "Down Under" was visiting Scandinavia.
They have their own -9 on their own airstrip (whish I had my own airstrip too!) at home and he contacted me to hear if they could drop by for some RV-talk during their trip.

We all had a couple of very nice days and here's some pics:

First they had a look at "Kermit", my second RV which is now ready for engine and instruments:

Finley and me had some nice RV-talks and it was very nice to talk RV-building with another RV-builder!

Then I went to get the RV and flew down to the local grass-strip to pick them up:

And here Finley is about to have his first Norwegian RV-ride:

Both he and Lisa got RV-grins flying RV in Norway for the first time:

We took them to a town nearby for some sightseeing and an outdoor consert at an old fortress and here's a wiew of the town Halden:

I love that Mick Dundee hat!

And here's the fortress after dark:

And here's a closeup of the fortress:


By the way: this is the fortress where the Swedish King Carl XXII was shot and killed when the Swedes was attacking Norway and this fortress 30th November 1718. After King Carls death, the Swedish Army retreated home and Norway and Sweden have been good neighbours and friends ever since! :)

The wifey and me really had a couple of nice days with our new friends from far away. It was fun to hear about the "Crocodile Dundee Country", all them "Skippy's" and all those other things which was completely strange to us.

Despite the long distance beetween our two countries, RV-builders are the same: nice friendly people!

Maybe Finley can chime in with a few more pics and his own impressions?
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We had a great time in Norway and meeting Alf and his wife and going for a RV flight were certainly highlights of our month traveling in Finland, Sweden and Norway. I originally emailed Alf suggesting that we could meet for coffee or maybe lunch and talk RVs but Alf had bigger plans and we were looked after with exceptional hospitality for a day and a half.
Alf is a very experienced airline and ex-fighter pilot and put on an excellent aerobatics display and then generously took each of us for a fly around his patch in Norway in his very neat RV 7.
After leaving Alf and his wife we continued on for a booked week of walking in the Norwegian Fiords. Another aviation highlight was sitting on our hotel balcony looking at the stunning fiord scenery when a couple of Norwegian fighter jets came screaming along the fiord at low height and did a tight turn in front of us.
I was interested to learn that there are a number of Americans with a Norwegian background. We met an American of Norwegian descent in one of the hotels who was leading a tour group. He explained to me that there are many Americans with Norwegian ancestors and that he takes 5 such groups each year from America to find out more about their Norwegian roots.
Now I have to talk Alf and his wife into visiting us and he could become the first Norwegian RV 7 owner to fly an RV in Australia.


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