
Well Known Member
KDOV, more widely known as Dover Air Force Base is a prominent land mark at the north end of the Eastern Shore. It is home to some very big aircraft. It is also a military base so it’s not found in most general aviation pilots’ log books. That changed for on Saturday.

The base hosted its first MACA (mid-air collision avoidance) safety seminar and fly-in. The opened the event to 25 airplanes. Thankfully, a fried or a friend emailed me the details and I was certain to get my paperwork in as quickly as possible.

The event was organized with military precision. I was issued flight instructions and an arrival window of 07:46 to 08:01 ! I was worried about being late so I made sure to take off with plenty of time. Too much time in fact. Good thing the RV-8 can fly slow … 80kts slow!

Rather than lots of words, here are some highlights of the day in pictures ...

(click any picture for a bigger one)

06:40 preflight and ready to launch - woohoo!

up, up and away ... pretty quiet on the radio.

A quick pass to see the recent wind damage to the barley crop. The wind damage looks like someone clawing at styrofoam.

Turns out I'm not alone - wave hello to Carter who is already at work, spraying.

after an hour of SLOOWWWW flight, I have the airport in sight

waiting ... waiting ... waiting for the runway to arrive

on the numbers ... I hope 12,903' is enough runway

... to be continued ...
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Once on the ground, we were escorted to to safety seminar. It was packed with lots of good information about the airspace, their flight operations, and and what their controllers need to deal with. It was interesting to visualize that the Washington DC SFRA and the Philadelphia Class B airspace create a funnel of GA traffic aimed right at Dover's training area.

After the safety session, we had a series of tours including the tower and TRACON facility, a C17 and C5 (inside and out), and Dover's cargo handling capabilities. These guys and gals MOVE FREIGHT - lots of freight!

(click any picture for a bigger one)

On the various tours, there was a lot of hand signals mixed in with the briefs. I don't recall what this signal means but it was right before the bathrooms.

Time to go up in the tower .. this one has an elevator (the old one didn't)

The tower has the best view ! On this day, identical twins were supervising.

I didn't even notice the rubber duckies until I saw Vlad's post ! .. I have one in my plane but you'll have to wait to find out why.

A tower view of the flight line.

An a C17 is cleared for takeoff. It didn't need much runway - wow!

The needed a bigger hanger - this one is movable ? Backing the hangar away from the plane.

I'm a lot older than the guy who usually occupy this seat.

You could build an airplane inside this C17!

You could build an even bigger airplane in this C5!

If you are wondering, we are looking up at all of the control cables that run fore and aft in the C5. But the really interesting bit is what is above those cables - the cockpit, sleeping berths for 12, a galley, head, eating area, and then coach class style seating for 78 !

... to be continued a little more ...
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(click any picture for a bigger one)

Inside the cockpit of the C5 - Who said military aircraft of bland? Bright happy colors?

Under the C5 - This guy makes landing gear exciting !

Actually, the C5 landing gear is amazing. In normal operations, the main gear retracts, folds, and slides sideways into storage. For laoding operations, both front and main gear can be configured to let the airplane "kneel"!

Back at the museum, there are my favorite engines - ROUND ... and lots of them.

... a Stearman and a very un-aerodynamic glider.

The day is wrapping up and time to launch. "cleared on course" and right over the flight line !

Less than an hour later and I'm on short final for home.

What a great day - thanks KDOV !

Indeed, the entire staff that organized, hosted, and presented were great. They really were happy to have us visit. I got a lot out of it. They say they want this to be an annual event so watch for the announcement for 2015!
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I landed at Dover Air Force Base

... other then creating similar thread I will add to Glen's instead. I was at the same event but we were in different groups and never met.

I learned about the event from a legend of aviation photojournalism Greg "Cactus" Davis. He sent the info via Dragon Flight channels and I successfully intercepted it. PPR paperwork was sent (twice) and admittance approved. I was assigned an arrival block of 0856-0901. Actually I was the last aircraft out of 25 invited.

All military related day today. Early morning, three hours before Dover event I am heading the opposite direction. Somewhere in the East there is a grass strip and I am picking up my autopilot, a former military...

All cruise ship was jealous.

Sun is ahead of me it means I am going east. Easy solar navigation.

Here is the destination. Pattern is low and tight in the keyhole of a Class Charlie airport. Welcome to Bayport Aerodrome!

We had extra 24 minutes to kill. A strafing range somewhere in the woods of NJ was cold and we took a looksee. Lots of fun stuff in those woods.

More minutes to kill. Instead of going slow as Glen we landed at former NAS Wildwood and had a breakfast at the airport diner.
After a quick breakfast there was even quicker hop across Delaware Bay to Dover Air Force Base. My autopilot sorted right airwaves from the cacophony of talk and we were granted permission to land. Wow what a runway we made first taxiway easy.

Here is group A.

Everything was on the schedule minute by minute. Very positive and friendly attitude. Military precision love it!

First time I visited a control tower. Another WOW!

All their fourteen ducks are in the row.

After visiting the control tower and radar facility we were transported to the flight line. Time was limited but I managed to sit in both seats of C5 and C17.

Acceptable riveting here good edge distance.

These are newer motors more efficient more time to TBO. Lycoming do you hear?

Sorting facility. Enormous size. They say it's the largest in USAF.

Then was a dining facility visit. Very tasty food and super easy on the wallet.
After that we skipped optional museum visit and headed back. My autopilot had to be at work second shift and he took a "feet-wet-route". Ground speed was almost 200 kts at 11,500 feet.

That was all. I learned a lot. About their MTRs I was blasting through without knowing it. About their unique training environment we small guys could easily disrupt. I strongly encourage everybody to look for this kind of events and participate in them. Fly safe.

I went to the New Garden RV fly-in. I was Shute Vlad would be there, but when I looked up his APRS tracker I see he is on the ground at Dover AFB! I was wondering about that; but now I know. :)

Hey Glen.....nice pics and write-up. Man you look like a natural sitting in that C-17 cockpit! Sorry to miss you and Vlad:( I cancelled with DOV on Tuesday and asked them to let someone else have my slot. Skyprincess and I had to go up to be caretakers for a terminally ill relative. Skyprincess went back to VA but I am staying up here to work this week. Glad everyone had a good time....hope I can do it next year!!!

There is a great program for panorama photos or just stitching several together. I have been using it for many years. The developer is a good guy too. I have done photos up to 8' high and the entire length around a room with great results.

Your trip looks like it was fun and a good learning experience. Thanks for showing your pictures.
Hey Vlad, I know what an MOA is, but what's an "MTR"?:confused:

Military Training Route, airways where military aircraft can go very fast, very low...

MTR they are. Not depicted on our sectionals. Once I run low by a flock of A10s and was wondering where they came from. I've heard KDOV controllers called a traffic (me) for somebody, looked closer and here they go... Now after that briefing I know I better get on FF and talk.
I'll echo what Vlad just said. One message I received loud and clear was the benefit for everyone if we call up ATC and let them know we are with them.

I've done it less and less because of some unfriendly experiences with a particular Class B group but the team at Dover were both informative and friendly and convinced me it was worth it for everyone.
Vlad / Glen,

Awesome writeup. Looked like a great day. I'll have to keep a watch out for any equivalent program at Wright-Patt AFB. I'm almost always on FF with ATC. But threading the needle of airspace between the Class Ds of WPAFB and Springfield (an ANG airport) can be fun.

Vlad, didn't you say you were coming to the Dayton area sometime soon?
MTR they are. Not depicted on our sectionals. Once I run low by a flock of A10s and was wondering where they came from. I've heard KDOV controllers called a traffic (me) for somebody, looked closer and here they go... Now after that briefing I know I better get on FF and talk.

MTR's are actually depicted on sectionals as very thin grey lines. Usually with an IR or VR moniker for the particular route. i.e. VR1234 or IR123. Visual and Instrument low level routes. Typically 2-4 miles wide and up to 1500'. If you ever want to know if anyone is on, or will be on a route call the nearest FSS. Participants have to check on with the start point and time, and off with the exit point and time with Flight Service.

Vlad, did you ever think when you were flying Fencers, someday you'd be landing your own homebuilt at a decadent capitalist Air Force base? :)
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MTR's are actually depicted on sectionals as very thin grey lines. Usually with an IR or VR moniker for the particular route. i.e. VR1234 or IR123. Visual and Instrument low level routes. Typically 2-4 miles wide and up to 1500'. If you ever want to know if anyone is on, or will be on a route call the nearest FSS. Participants have to check on with the start point and time, and off with the exit point and time with Flight Service.

Vlad, did you ever think when you were flying Fencers, someday you'd be landing your own homebuilt at a decadent capitalist Air Force base? :)

Would never thought of it Pat :)

The MTRs the AFB safety officers were talking about are not on our charts maybe Glen can post a scan. It's the same animal as IR/VR just very local I guess.

Yeah we have a Low Level route the C-17's use that was locally developed by our unit and does not have set entry/exit times and would not appear on any sectional. That being said, if you listen up on Dover approach you will hear us flying it (mostly at night on NVG's from 003A to 020A) and self reporting on it.

Glad you guys had a good time at Dover!

RV-8 Emp complete
The White crete of Dover AFB

Guys great write up ,it looked like a really fun day.

Vlad I see you got a sticker bumper (tail?) sticker too!
These pictures are courtesy of Greg L. Davis he is an aviation photojournalist and shoots stunning images. Check his website

Midair collision avoidance briefing.

Our subgroup at the tower.

Flight line tour.

We landed at Dover AirForce Base now it's time to depart :)

Greg advised to check DAFB website a story about our visit will be there soon.