Well Known Member
Feburary has been a real bust for me flying. It's either raining or just too windy for a low timer like me. Now the first few days of March have been good. Flew up to Jefferson, Tx. Sunday to pick up my new German Sheperd puppy. He took to it well, hence I named him "Major Flyboy". I had two previous named "Captain", time to give a promotion.

Yesterday I got out and flew a few touch & go's at Conroe. Today I decided to do one of my cross country requirements and went to Cleveland, Lufkin and back to Conroe. I was a little nervous, but it all worked out well. Didn't make one of my best landings at Cleveland, had a pretty good Skip, but no harm. Really concentrated on the landings in Lufkin & Conroe, they were much better. I feel more comfortable, but not comfortable, on landing I always feel like I'm setting on the edge, just trying to be ready for anything.

There's a lot to this flying, I never realized how much you had to plan your flights and how much care one must take. It is all going well, just trying to fill all the squares. I'm closing in on that PPL Checkride, just hope for good weather.
You'll get more comfortable as you gain experience and hours.

Don't get too confident! ;) Statistics show that new pilots with about 150-200 hours have the most accidents.