Well Known Member
I know you guys who already have your PPL probably will find this thread boring, but for those of us that are struggling to make our dream, it might help.

Yesterday and today I finally got the weather and time (guts) to go out in my RV6 after soloing on the 5th. I really had to push myself mentally (because I'm a chickensh*t), but made it into the air yesterday at about 8 am, flew for about an hour and a half, then came in and landed. All worked out pretty good. (Actually real good, didn't hurt myself or the plane).

Today went out at about 3 pm. Pretty weather, felt better. Flew up to Lufkin and back. Problem was coming back into Conroe. Air Guard doing autorotaions at the field, jets arriving, every squirrel in the world wanting to fly. I was number 5 in the pattern to land, tower radio non stop. When it came my turn to sit it down...........Worked out well. Made one of the best landings I have made, made the first turn off.

Hey, if an Oldfart like me can do can you.
Way to go!

Good for you, Chuck! Keep it up. I think I remember you saying you built your RV and had someone else fly off Phase I so you could get your PPL in it?
my checkride


Thanks for posting this, its good to have others in the same place,
I built my rv9a way before taking lessons , on faith alone (I did get a ride in one once) anyway I am in prep for the check ride, written passed (not by much) everything done except the 3 hours of test prep but I am very concerned with not passing, most of my time has been in a 172 and I had planned on using that airplane for the check ride, lately I have been
reluctant, and seem kinda stuck at this stage, need some inspriation
and maybe a kick in the butt to get past this stuck place :) anyone else
have this problem ? I have a very (im proud of it anyway) nice RV9A
that is waiting on me to move forward, I have about 20 hours in it
since my instructor flew the 40 hours off of it and 1st flight, need to move
forward though..

Check Ride

Funny how you don't really feel up to flying (nervous) but you go anyway - and that flight turns out to be one of the best in memory! Or, you are on top of the world (cocky) and go flying only to forget everything up to buckling your seat belt.

Push on and fly when the timing / weather is right!
Good Going!!

Good going Ckuck. It will become easier as you gain experience.
Come to Hicks sometime. We have a decent Hamburger here.
Good Job Chuck!!!

I am very happy for you and am ready for the day my 6 jumps into the air. I'm still building the canoe so it will be a while. I have Mickey's cherokee up here right now and have been keeping the cobwebs off of my PPL. My 1 yr anniversary as a pilot is next Wednesday and weather permitting I'm going to celebrate. Take care and keep up the good work!
I am still nervous, everytime....

...14 years and over 1000 hours and I still have a bit of anxiety everytime I fly. If I ever lose that feeling I think I will quit.
...14 years and over 1000 hours and I still have a bit of anxiety everytime I fly. If I ever lose that feeling I think I will quit.

That's funny, every time I fly I come to the conclusion this is exactly where I should be....all the time! I ponder the "what ifs" in life. What if I had applied for "fighter school" in the Navy, What if I'd become an airline pilot, what it, what if. Maybe I should have been a bird, I certainly hang out with a bunch of turkeys!:eek: :D

...14 years and over 1000 hours and I still have a bit of anxiety everytime I fly. If I ever lose that feeling I think I will quit.

Same here. Every spot on the windscreen makes me look twice, every perceived burble of the engine makes me check the gauges, every hit of turbulence in smooth air makes me tighten up. Much of the fun in flying is asking yourself every time the wheels leave the ground, "What made you decide to strap on 1000 lbs of home built aluminum doing 200 MPH"? I think if you consider yourself a safe pilot and not a good pilot it can help keep you out of trouble.

Enjoy the PPL.
Never boring, always exciting ...

almost everytime I leave the ground. The scariest flights for me - in 'passenger class' on commercial airliner.

Started my PPL in 1972, quit obtensibly to get married, but the last flight was a solo in a Cherokee with more crosswind than I could handle. Back on the ground safely but decided the adrenaline depletion was a sign that marriage would be a better financial choice. [Hindsight - it wasn't cheaper but the better choice.] When she suggested 33 yrs later that I return to finish my PPL, I didn't ask twice. No regrets about that.

Congrats to you and what a great plane to motivate you.

If I go too long between flights, the next one is more imtimidating but it goes away when I become airborne. Aviate, navigate, communicate! One of life's best lessons every day on the ground, too.

Now I fly to stay current, proficient enough to drain the budget, and keep the dream alive of completing this RV-6A. Thanks for sharing your excitement.
It gets better (and easier)

Just crossed 612 hours in my RV7 (around 1800 hours total now). The plane and I fit together like a hand and a well worn glove.

Still, I sometimes have anxious moments. Got caught in a nasty swirl a couple weeks ago when about 2 feet off the runway. Closest I've come to lunching in a LONG time. We were all over the runway, then I did a go 'round and the second attempt was a piece of cake.

The challenges will always be there. Experience does help. Fly long enough and you will experience things that make your heart stop. There is also incredible beauty up there.

Hang in there.
I remember the days of holding the brakes for my run up and my legs would start bouncing on the pedals from nerves. When I was renting I was always nervous because my frequency of flying so low. Since I've been flying my own plane I fly much more often and just being proficient and confident helps out a ton with nerves.
What is really good....

is that when I get in the plane and start buckling up, I go into a "Focused Zone". I no longer feel any anxiety, apprehension, fear, etc. I start my flow with checklist, radios, start and really feel good. It's like I have no nerves, just focus on what I am doing. Tuesday I didn't mention on my downwind to land, I had a turkey vulture about 30 feet over me, he pulled his wings and started to dive, I swear he came within 10 feet, I could see his ugly head. He went over the right wing, no hit thank god. Didn't have time to even think about it. I guess these things can bring you down, but what can you do?