Well Known Member
Any of you that know me, also knows that I haven't achieved a PPL. I built this really nice RV6. Got the hours flown off by friends. Today, I took my first logged flight instruction in the airplane I built. I had about 7 hours in a 150hp Champ, I really couldn't relate to that airplane, controls were pretty heavy. I am a fairly accomplished RC airplane & helicopter flier, at least ten years ago I was. Today, I did six takeoffs & six landings, fairly much unassisted. Didn't scare the bejesus out of me, my instructor, or the guy in the tower. Maybe, just maybe, you can teach an old dog new tricks. It worked me hard, but I was smiling the whole time. I want this bad & will not give up, just want to do it safely. I am really lucky to have a very accomplished, professional instructor, builder of 3 RV6's, who has a lot of patience.

I know their are others who are as "nuts" as me that would build an airplane and not have a clue as how to fly it. Keep bangin them rivets, it can work out. From time to time I will chronicle how it's going, wish me luck.

I don't have my PPL either. So you're not the only one! I'm mostly finished with my fuselage on my RV-7A, and I can't wait to finish it and then go get my ticket. I've had a couple people who thought I was nuts to build a plane first, then plan on learning to fly later on, but it doesn't bother me. I've always known I wanted my own airplane. You're an inspiration. Keep us informed frequently and let us know how it's going.

re: go for it

You guys, do whatever you think you're capable of. If building and then learning in what I built was what I wanted to do, then I'd do it. Don't worry about what other people think. It won't hurt to get some opinions but that's what they are, only their opinions. Do what you're comfortable with. You're the only one that know what that is.
That goes along with build what you want, not what others want you to build.:)

Marshall Alexander
RV10 N781DM
no PPL.....yet

I, too, began building before I could fly.

I was afraid that if I got my PPL, I'd want to fly more than build.

So, I waited until I was about 1/2 way through the fuselage before beginning
flight school.

My fuselage is done & I'm working on the finish kit. I'm also about 55 hrs
into my PPL and my check ride is right around the corner.

Getting my PPL was just another component of the whole project.

I think the end is in sight......

-9A finish kit
It takes time Chuck, and hours in the seat. There will be days of instruction where you make progress, and days when you wish you have not left home. Keep plugging away, and keep a good metal focus on what your end goal is. SOLO!
Congrats Chuck!

Good job and good luck. I was building, took six months off to get my PPL, then had to to take another six months to build a house for my wife and son. I have just jumped back into building. Three days in the shop felt great. Looking forward to this weekend.
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Good to hear of your progress, Chuck. Please keep us posted. It is inspiring to know that the "cart before horse" method might work out in the end.
Congrats! I think yours is a good idea and I wish I could have done that.

Flying takes so many avenues, for so many people. A few years ago a guy came to our airport and bought a Cherokee 180, then hired an instructor. He bought it because he was afraid of flying and wanted to overcome it! He now has his third airplane, a beautiful tricked-out Bonanza and has talked about an RV-10. Strange way to take up flying...

Bob Kelly
Tuesday, Sept 8

Six more takeoffs & six more landings. Some were pretty good, some not so much. My instructor said all were acceptable. Very, very intense. It seems I have so far to go, just so intense trying to tame that little wheel in the back, but hey don't know if a nose wheel would be anymore friendly, never been in one. Got my butt chewed pretty good for not holding the stick all the way back on touch down. Won't be forgeting that anytime soon.

Still Smiling.
Chewed out

Hey, that goes with the territory, I got chewed out and for good reasons, he even was beating on the top of the glare shield and I deserved it. These instructors know what there doing and this is a very unforgiving activity. They chew on us so we learn to fly, learn to do it safe and live to fly another day. You have a lot of plane under you, respect her and she'll treat you well. Gene
Nice Work Chuck!

Nice job Chuck!

You sure LOOKED like a pilot already at OSHKOSH! Keep up the good work! BTW, in all my years and hours flying RV-6's, I always thought any landing I could walk away from was a good one, so you must be doing well!

Send me the indentifier of your new home airport. I am moving down to a airpark in South Dallas here in two weeks. I think we'll be closer so let me know where you're at. Maybe soon we'll get our two engines back flying in close formation like they used to be! ;)
Jj, airport would be KCXO ,.....

Lonestar Exec. at Conroe. There are about 25 RV's there, really nice people. Come see us sometime and I'll buy lunch.