Reminder: The OSH NOTAM link is in a sticky in the 'Upcoming Events' subforum. Good reading for safe arriving.

Mowed the yard 0730 to get a jump on the forecast afternoon heat index (112*F). Wallet fell out of the front pocket and I mowed over my passport which was tucked inside it (keep the wallet in my left front pocket). God as my witness it was EXACTLY like something in a cartoon. Put the bits in a baggie and filling out a replacement form DS-11. FYI: I carry the wallet in the front pocket because it has a 1930 silver dollar my father carried in his front pocket from age 19 until he passed away at 69. You can't really tell it's a dollar coin anymore - just smooth metal. His father gave it to him when he was drafted after WWII. My dad was born in 1930. He carried it with him in Austria where he was stationed (had to get permission to keep his USA currency on him). VERY glad that coin didn't get bent. My son gets it when I'm gone. "Is that a bullet ricochet? Nah, my dumb@ss dad ran over it with the mower." ;^)

Not my smoothest Tuesday morning <g>. Addendum to mowing checklist: Wallet REMOVE. I should have gone flying. ;^), dr

RV News That Caught My Eye Over The Last Few Hours ….dr

Van's Builder Tech Support hours - afternoon call-in schedule is back
Screenshot 2024-07-02 at 11.26.45 AM.png

Just putting this here…..:^)
Screenshot 2024-07-02 at 3.37.20 PM.png

RE: Pioneer Control Grip Clearance on Aerosport Panel …Bill Peyton

A couple of things to do... First, you really can't look at the stick travel until the elevator push rod travel has been set up. When you do set up the elevator travel you may have to fabricate a limit stop at the elevator to limit the excess travel. You should also adjust the control push rods so the stick travel is favored towards the rear. In addition, you may have to remove as much of the top straight portion of the stick as possible. In addition, you may have to remove some of the straight horizontal portion at the stick base.
Screenshot 2024-07-02 at 3.36.58 PM.png

Dented Pushrod Shroud
Screenshot 2024-07-02 at 3.36.03 PM.png

WDYDWYRVTW? ….more submits from last weekend’s thread.
Screenshot 2024-07-02 at 3.35.29 PM.png


PS: Older issues of the ‘VAF News’ can be found at:
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