Sometimes the scheduling gods smile.

Part-time sim gig scrubbed two hours before show Thursday morning, so I drove out and took the old RV up for an unplanned spin.

4-ship in the area (3 RVs) - had them on the iPad. Kept my distance until they checked in on CTAF, and told lead I was on a 3 mile initial and they were 2 miles behind me. Rolling out and looking up I had the pleasure of seeing the break right over the top of my head (bubble canopy for the win). Three minutes later an 8A took off followed by a 14. It was a busy RV morning as it turns out at Aero Valley.

Mental gyros are realigned for the next several days of non-RV stuff. The next flight will be a gas run over to Bridgeport, whenever I can get back out. What an amazing machine.

Hope you’re getting to fly in or work on your project and wishing you and yours a happy, safe and RV filled weekend.

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RV News That Caught My Eye Over The Last Few Hours ….dr

SOLO …Austin Pohjola -12
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v17.0 Available ...Dynon
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RE: Bypass Oil
As a contrast to the multitudes of "remote filter" installations and the associated snakes nest of hose...
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Firewall Replacement feedbacks
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PS: Older issues of the ‘VAF News’ can be found at: