The storms never materialized, but low clouds all around here. Almost a month since my last RV flight - FINALLY got it off the surface today for a bit. Barely VFR so I just lapped around the pattern to boil off the moisture and give the battery a little amperage love. Been way too long, but it still counts <g>. Little bit of a cool front here - felt strange landing 35 in June.
Hope you have a nice Tuesday.
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RV News That Caught My Eye ….dr

What did you do w/your RV this weekend? (June 8-9, 2024)
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Smashed Wheel Pants. Rebuild or Replace?
Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 5.37.35 PM.png

First Aerobatic Competition — Such a welcoming group, and what fun!
Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 5.42.13 PM.png

Retro-fit iS Main Gear Seals to Legacy 12
Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 5.55.35 PM.png

Oil Separator Check Valve Failure
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Avionics Installation for Experimental Aircraft Course - August 5-7, 2024

Exhaust stainless steel material …12
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Houston area monthly lunch (June 2024)


PS: Older issues of the ‘VAF News’ can be found at:
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