As I laid down to go to sleep Monday night, I was thinking I *might* go for a short RV flight the next morning to go inspect some of the recent tornado damage, if the WX was VFR. Around 5 AM it started raining. By 6 it was raining really really hard. A little after seven it was obvious I was gonna have to drive Susie up to her volunteer gig at the hospital. We counted 25 trees cracked or tumped over.

This is what the airport looked like. I need to cross this taxiway and I have brand new grease in those mains. So I worked on the car. Finally got the remanufactured starter in the 17 yr old Accord. Good to go!


Screenshot 2024-05-28 at 4.22.13 PM.png
Screenshot 2024-05-28 at 4.29.45 PM.png

RV News That Caught My Eye ….dr

DIY VOR Antennae: Carl Froehlich

“…On four RVs I built a standard wingtip antenna out of aluminum from the scrap box, some fiberglass to make the Gama Match, and perhaps $3 of specialty hardware. It works outside 100nmi for VOR reception, and LOC/GS far beyond useable range.”
Screenshot 2024-05-28 at 4.07.40 PM.png

I finished my panel upgrade.
Screenshot 2024-05-28 at 4.13.18 PM.png

2024 Oshkosh RV Social is ON
Screenshot 2024-05-28 at 4.05.07 PM.png

PSA: Ensure fuel filtering between tanks and Red Cube fuel flow transducer
Screenshot 2024-05-28 at 4.15.14 PM.png

Control Cable Clearance RV-14 (Mixture)
Screenshot 2024-05-28 at 4.15.45 PM.png

Screenshot 2024-05-28 at 4.20.25 PM.png

PS: Older issues of the ‘VAF News’ can be found at:
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