
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
It?s late. You?re behind. Your spouse is standing there tapping his or her foot because you haven?t provided a Christmas list yet. You haven?t even started a list because you have been busy working on your RV. (You also haven?t started your Christmas shopping because your RV consumes your life ? but we can?t help you out of that sort of trouble!) You need help. You need a list, and you need it now! We are here to help!

We offer here an amended version of that old holiday classic saluting the Twelve Days of Christmas. Not having much use for calling birds or maids a milking, and being more than a little concerned about the effects on weight and balance of ten Lords a leaping (do they affect gross weight while in midleap?), we felt that a more appropriate shopping list needed to be developed ? especially with the builder in mind. Maybe by leaving this ditty around the house, a few last minute presents might be generated.

In an effort to be concise in communications, we will forego the multitude of verses leading to the final approach fix?so here is the twelfth day!

On the twelfth day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
Twelve silver clecos
?leven truss head screws
Ten rolls of duct tape
Nine Scotchbright pads
Eight cans of primer
Seven nylon tie-wraps
Six hi-temp lock nuts
Five bucking bars
Four dimple dies
Three rivet sets
Two quickbuild wings
And a slow-build fuselage

Happy Holidays from Paul and Louise!
Oh, Paul, you bring tears to my late eyes that will kiss the sky again tomorrow after one long night of re-ignition. You say what we feel. Thank you...

It?s late. You?re behind. Your spouse is standing there tapping his or her foot because you haven?t provided a Christmas list yet. You haven?t even started a list because you have been busy working on your RV. (You also haven?t started your Christmas shopping because your RV consumes your life ? but we can?t help you out of that sort of trouble!) You need help. You need a list, and you need it now! We are here to help!

We offer here an amended version of that old holiday classic saluting the Twelve Days of Christmas. Not having much use for calling birds or maids a milking, and being more than a little concerned about the effects on weight and balance of ten Lords a leaping (do they affect gross weight while in midleap?), we felt that a more appropriate shopping list needed to be developed ? especially with the builder in mind. Maybe by leaving this ditty around the house, a few last minute presents might be generated.

In an effort to be concise in communications, we will forego the multitude of verses leading to the final approach fix?so here is the twelfth day!

On the twelfth day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
Twelve silver clecos
?leven truss head screws
Ten rolls of duct tape
Nine Scotchbright pads
Eight cans of primer
Seven nylon tie-wraps
Six hi-temp lock nuts
Five bucking bars
Four dimple dies
Three rivet sets
Two quickbuild wings
And a slow-build fuselage

Happy Holidays from Paul and Louise!
Xmas List

I only have one item on my Christmas list...

My wonderful and loving wife is going to write the check for the IO-320 engine that Aero Sport Power is building for me!!! YaHoooo!

(Of course... I have to agree to the new kitchen remodel, the new landscaping, the addition on the cabin... and anything else she can think off until the plane is built and out of the garage. It's hard to say no to any of her projects, when the RV is under construction)
Oh, Paul, you bring tears to my late eyes that will kiss the sky again tomorrow after one long night of re-ignition. You say what we feel. Thank you...

Hey, don't just blame...I mean - Louise was an equal co-conspirator (as was the rum...)...;)
His and Hers RV's...


You made me think about how many pilot couples have their own RV's to fly and enjoy! Have you heard of any other couples around the country in a similar situation?
Good post Paul!


You made me think about how many pilot couples have their own RV's to fly and enjoy! Have you heard of any other couples around the country in a similar situation?

While not RV's, I have a friend who gave his wife a J-3. Of course, it hardly compared to his T-6, Strearman, Waco UPF-7, and a 1927 Travelair 4000 that he owned all at the same time.
Seven days left

If she approves the new garage(aw heck, its not going to see a car for about 5 years), QB fuse and engine, some very nice jewelry.

If she doesn't approve the above, a jigsaw puzzle.

Dr. Pavlov's got nuthin on me....
That is the plan in my house. I'm getting ready to ramp up construction of a -8, which upon completion, the -9A will officially become Tanya's.


You made me think about how many pilot couples have their own RV's to fly and enjoy! Have you heard of any other couples around the country in a similar situation?