
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
All that practice - 90knots (+/- 1), 1800 feet, dead over the tracks, be ready for anything....and today I needed none of it! For a variety of reasons, I like to make it to the show early so that I can have a relaxing day just sitting chatting with friends in the Homebuilt world. Usually, I try to make that a Friday arrival, but the weather today was gorgeous across the country, all the way to Iowa - and the forecast for Friday is iffy - so I found a safe way around the afternoon storms and came all the way in, arriving about 1800 local.

I fly in to Oshkosh occasionally for business when Airventure isn?t going on, and it is a pretty sleepy little towered field. Today it was just plane fun - the regular controllers were running the show, and welcoming everyone showing up early. If you sounded like you knew where you were going on the field, they pretty much gave your taxi instructions as ?cleared as requested?. I think they all go on leave tomorrow at sun up, so they were having as much fun as we were.

I was cleared for landing from a two mile right base to 18, and when I asked if he needed me south of 9-27, he said ?there?s no traffic there right now, make it long our tight, your option!? Like I said...Fun!

See you here!

Congratulations! My last arrival at Airventure was supposed to be on Thursday but a faulty spark plug delayed my arrival to Friday. Glad you made it ok!
Rumor has it that Mikey got going pretty fast there at the end-------guess he wanted to get there pretty bad;)