
Well Known Member
Yesterday was a long day with lots of help as my RV-8 came out of paint and was re-assembled.

After an extensive inspection and pre-flight, the airplane returned to the skies for a series of tests, landing and follow up inspection. It passed with flying colors - seven to be exact!

The design is the Douglas TBD Devastator aboard the USS Wasp in 1941. Longer story here ...

Very nice. I know you must feel good to have it back in the nest and looking finished.
A wonderful way to commemorate ...

... the Navy heroes of Torpedo Eight that perished at Midway. Very nicely done. :):).
For those that appreciate WWII history, the book "A Dawn Like Thunder" by Mrazek is a naval aviation chronicle well worth the read.
Terry - thanks for the history lesson - Until your post, I had not read much of Torpedo Squadron 8. There is a lot that I did not know from that era of our history. It reminds me how true is the statement, "history ignored is repeated".
That looks really really good. I'm surprised the Navy would have anything that nice! :D
beautiful , I am curious to know the cruise speed as you have 150 cv , and I intend to have a 160cv lycoming....
Plane looks great. I think there will be a bunch of RV's at the Virginia Festival of Flight today. Myself and my RV3 hanger mate will be there are you planning to come?

I saw Glen's airplane yesterday at the VA Festival of Flight and it is AMAZING!!!

Glen, I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to say hello. I just missed you at the FBO Sat afternoon after the rain. You were climbing into the cockpit when I rolled up in the Aircraft Registration golf cart to get my passport stamped. My wife and I did spend some time walking around it earlier in the day and got inspired by your work.
Rob, sorry I missed you. Even with the lower turnout, there were a lot of questions and picture taking activity. I did sneak down the Fighter Factory during the rain storm to get a history lesson. When there was a break in the weather I needed to avail myself of the window.

I hope everyone who had a chance on Saturday or Sunday to stop by the Festival, got to see the RV-1!