
Well Known Member
Am I the only one who ordered the sign, but wrapped it up as a Christmas present, so I would spend December working on my airplane instead of the sign?

I'm a tortured soul who is nearing the end of the build (90% down, 90% to go), and hoping for some simple tasks like the good old days.
I received very explicit instructions from my partner in crime that I was not to order a sign. The question is, will she remember to actually get me one for Christmas? She can be a bit...scatterbrained.

I love the sign.

The real question is, do I primer?


Absolutely not. the true purpose of the sign is to finally end the Primer Wars. The sole point of buying the sign is to have a model of what would happen to your plane had you not primed it. (That is what I have told my wife). Priming the sign would defeat that purpose.