
Well Known Member
I received a letter yesterday from a retired trial judge living in Minnesota. We've never met, but he happened to be looking at the April picture in Van's 2007 calendar when he read the caption. The caption describes my RV-8 flying over Hilltop Lakes, Texas.

Apparently the location struck a chord with the judge and he sent me a full page, neatly typed letter (on a real typewriter, no less) describing a trip he made from Minnesota to Galveston in a 172 back in 1964 BV (Before Van). He decided to stop for the night at Hilltop Lakes due to being tired, low on fuel and unfamiliar with the area. His engine decided to stop on final.

I won't relate the whole story, but suffice it to say he landed okay and went on to a successful career.

My reason for relating all this is that I was pleased that something as simple as a photo and caption could generate such emotion, and bring back an important memory for the reader. Just as importantly, in our fast-paced world of e-mails and slick direct mail, I was surprised to receive a personal note from someone I've never met. It was a real treat. He even had to research my address so the memory obviously meant a lot to him.

I will reply to his letter of course. And in my response, I will encourage him to finish the RV-4 he started in 1990's. I hope to meet him -- perhaps at Oshkosh or LOE -- sometime soon.

The RV community never ceases to amaze me in its broad reach. Keep building. Keep flying. We are lucky people.

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RV people and all general aviation people I meet are special. I have never failed to receive help when I have needed it.

Great story, Chris!
I too, am often amazed at the cordiality of the RVers. Invite the judge to look at Doug's site also.
