
I was going thru some stuff that hadn't been unpacked from the last move and stumbled across "The RV Story" circa 2002... On VHS no less... After watching it and waxing nostalgic, it really hit me that all this time had passed and I'm still sans RV... So I dug out my flyin' stuff... I've got 43 hrs in my logbook, cross countries and everything, and still no ticket...

I know, I know... Would I like some cheese with my whine?

You guys don't mind if I live vicariously thru you, do ya?

Whispering ..... you are not alone.....

A while ago I watched RV story DVD (2004) and thought the same.

Dave get the kit started. It's right time now. Ticket will wait. You will be surprised how fast it will be...
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Hang in there on both fronts! I take it that you are in the build process? If so, just keep plugging away and someday it will be yours!
As for the PPL, with 43 (?) hr, you must have been almost there. I am painfully aware that there are always extenuating circumstances, but since it is obvious that you have the desire, than set a plan in motion to get it done. I do not mean that it has to happen right now, but a plan is just a dream that has been organized to a probable conclusion!
Oh, and of course you can live vicarously through the great group of aviators that make up the VAF. With the talent in this group, God knows I do!
Good Luck!
Thanks guys...

Didn't mean to turn this into a support group or anything...

I guess It just hit me how life really does happen when you're busy doing other things...

On a positive note... My Son is now 5... I don't have any other projects at the moment... And I found my RV-4 preview plans!

Here's what I did

I got my PPL in Jan '02 with most of my time flown in a '59 C172 that I bought as a 13 hour student without even having soloed yet. I started my -7A in Sep of '02 and continued to fly the 172. I got a bit of flack from some of the RVators that I should sell the Cessna so I would be building instead of flying. I mentioned this to Van himself at one of the LOE fly-ins and he agreed with me when I told him that I have to fly! Although it may have slowed down my build time somewhat, I personally feel that staying in the air was as good a motivator as anything. In retrospect, if I hadn't been flying regularly during the building process, I probably would've lost interest as the final goal would've been lost in the shuffle. FWIW, I have to agree with the many builders who said, "If I'd have known how much fun the RV is to fly, I would've finished it a couple of years sooner!" Get at it, keep at it, and enjoy the whole process. It will spoil you for any other airplane!
I think the "RV Story" is a great motivator to not give up on the project, and keep plugging away at it. That and all the contributions here on this website!