
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
OK, we've been on the road now for a week (driving the Honda to Minnesota and back for Christmas) flying at home for five days before that due to low clouds and fog.....this is starting to get bad - cold turkey without an RV flight for almost two weeks? This is really terrible! Sitting in a hotel room in the middle of the nation, one more day to get to home - hope I can make it!

Limited access to the 'net has made it even worse - usually I can at least get an RV fix here....

Those of you already flying know what I am talking about....;)

Those of you still building....will find out!:eek:

I hope these shakes will go away when I see the Val again....and hopefully, we'll be winging it to California in a few days in Mikey!




RVers Anonymous

Paul, perhaps you (and the gang) will relate...

"Hello, my name is Bob, and I'm an RV-holic!" :D

Meetings held daily at aerodromes all over the world!

It's a good club, and yes...we understand! ;)

Where in CA are you headed?...might be headed to LA to visit the In-Laws for NYE, and considering an RV fix enroute (wx permitting)!

Where in CA are you headed?...might be headed to LA to visit the In-Laws for NYE, and considering an RV fix enroute (wx permitting)!

Hopefully, Louise's cabiin at Big Bear Lake. We hear they have dug out from the 40 inches of snow they got last week.....:eek:
I've got the shakes too.....


I know exactly what you are going through. I live in the Vancouver, WA, area and we have had below-freezing weather now for two weeks and 15 inches of snow on the ground for most of the past week. It has been at least 10 days since I have flown and it is not going to be possible for some time. Runway and taxiways haven't been and won't be plowed and it will be a while before this stuff melts and I can get to the runway. I am going through serious withdrawal. Visiting this site often and building another RV will have to hold me for a while longer. Sounds like you are going to get your "fix" before I do. Have a safe trip to California.


Dan Miller
RV-8 N3TU 530+ hours in 2.4 years
Superior IO-360 M1 (195 HP) with WW200 prop.
Parkside Airpark (WA 87), Battle Ground, WA
Talk about RV shakes!!??...

I just back home for Christmas break from college... My dad bought an RV8 in August.. The weekend after we bought it I broke my ankle, sooo it was 4 months before I could fly.. NOW since I got home it has been gusting 30kt+ so I havent had time to throw my instructor in the back to get any time to fly the thing... I get to look at it or sit in the back.. I can't wait to be able to be the PIC and really see what she can do! (should put my tw+aerobatic training in a Decathlon to work ;))

but it has given me time to organize the shop and do some work on the -3 empenage
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Stinky WX here too gang. We went two weeks without a flight! I paced around the hanger one day with both hands in my pockets. Wx looks promising for tommorrow though! :D
We drove (due to weather) to the Grandkids for Christmas... Almost 4 hours.. First time I heard the wife say "too bad we couldn't fly the RV")......
I know what you mean

We've had almost 10 inches of rain in the last 3 weeks and if it's not raining it's windy and cold. Cold is OK, windy flying in the mountains isn't alot of fun.
Forecast to be beautiful today but we woke to 300 and a half and now that's the new forecast until tomorrow when it changes to TRW's and more rain.
Oh well, it's time to start the conditional inspection anyway. I put it off until after Christmas and now I think I'll get the logbook signed after the first and get my inspections out of December.
I can't wait to get to fly again.
New Years Resolution. Fly more!
Know exactly of what you speak....aviator withdrawal symptoms. And there's no cure but to kick the tires, light the fire and blast off.

Have a safe trip to California. The only consolation is sometimes when driving realizing this is no kind of weather to be flying in. :)

I am here for you and Louise, because that is what friends do. Just email me where you keep the hidden key to your hangar and a few of us will go take Val and Mikey out for a spin or two (or twelve). You?ve got food in the fridge, right?

Houston has rain currently but it?s forecast VFR later in the day and tomorrow, so that gives you all day to shoot me the key info. I'm glad we can help you out!

Oh, and I?ll need a credit card number for the avgas?

dr ;)
Think about this!

Okay...just receive an AC and Phase I is a go. First Flight on November 20. I'm just like a kid on Christmas morning. 6" of snow on the runway with 18" drifts just on the other side of my hanger door. Whoever is plowing the runway and taxiways wants time off for Christmas and the day after. I look out the window this morning and more snow is falling by the bucketfuls. What the heck?! It's like I received the greatest toy on Christmas morning but someone forgot the batteries...BOO!
Big Bear Lake airport

L35 if my memory is right. Very pretty area. I made a fuel stop there on a trip from Page AZ to Catalina Island. Then my "I don't know what he is doing up there" incident with ATC.

I hear your pain. Same for me. Got in a couple flights in early December after getting signed off to start Phase I, and now I just go to the hangar most days and hope for decent weather. Today looks somewhat promising, so I hope to get out for an hour or four.

More weather....

It was almost 70 degrees out yesterday, and windy. Last night there was lightning all around with tornado watches in eastern KS. Now, I can't see a mile down the road because of all the snow falling as I type... :confused:

Nothing we can do about the WX.

I built a RV6 in 1996 and had about 500 hours on it when a man offered me a good price for it. I found another RV6 kit in Trade a Plane took me 48 hours to get it home and 6 months to fly. It was about at QB stage when I got it. That was a LONG 6 months with no RV, or any thing to fly. Motivated, I was, to get it done.

Nothing we can do about the WX, but that was a bonehead move, me selling my RV without another one ready to go. Won't do that again....
Just got back from putting .6 on the RV. The low ceilings finally cleared up and the sun came out after two days of being MIA. The winds were out of the south at 9 so I took advantage of them to join the RV9/9A 200mph club. WOT, level at 2000, and a 9 mph tail wind gave me 207 mph gs according to my GPS. No photo or tracker evidence of this, you'll have to take my word for it. :)
I've recorded 56 mph winds so far today at 90* to the runway. I signed off a Europa at Denton yesterday. He's waiting too.
Working on "Batwing" tips.
got an RV on my back

It's supposed to be VFR down home in Utah starting Tuesday and all week too! I just gotta drive from northern Idaho on Monday. Definitely an IFR drive with snow/rain/wind/ice down to Boise area.

Last flight was 12/17,
Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one!!

Just got back to Houston - chased the cold front all the way from last night's stop in Wichita - the storms came through there about 0200 this morning, and there was hail on the hotel windows. I expected iced roads, but they were clear, and we had great weather until 4 miles from home, when we caught the back edge of the rain from that big front - not bad.

Hopefully, tomorrow is burn fuel and get upside-down day, and then we can head west on Monday. I think it's Mikey's turn to go to California, so I'll have to put significant time on the Val tomorrow....darn it! ;)


(Oh yeah - stopped for lunch with the High Commander today - had to make sure he was still in Fort Worth, and not on his way to Polly Ranch with bolt cutters....)