
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
OK folks, we have had incredibly good fortune so far in the RV-1 restoration project. Almost all of the major RV vendors have contributed products and services to help us get the airplane flying safely, and a tremendous amount of volunteer labor has already been contributed. We now have an interesting opportunity for anyone that might be harboring a set of 600x6 wheels, axles, brakes and tires.

Van himself has molded a new set of wheel pants for the airplane. While looking at pictures of the existing airplane to sketch up a mounting system, he realized that it has been converted from the original 600x6 gear to 500x5?s. This is unfortunately going to look very odd, and quite ?un-original? ? especially with the airplane going into the EAA Museum next July. We really need to get the airplane back to stock, but would really rather not put a brand new (expensive) set of gear on an airplane that is expected to fly a hundred hours or so. We are hoping that someone might have a set sitting in a back corner of a hangar, on a non-flying airframe, or simply hiding in the attic.

What we need is 600x6 axles, wheels, brakes, and tires(with tubes). We can certainly find some new 600x6 tires, so we really need the hardware, and used would be great! If no one in the community has a set, we?ll have to see if we can find a vendor who could supply them, but let?s try this first. Please post here, and PM me if you have something ? this would be a GREAT way to get your name in the RV-1 log book!

I have a set of Matco master cylinders if you need them.

Dont know the part #, but came stock on the 10.


I have a set of Mc Cauley wheels and breaks that came off my Cessna 180 last week. 1244 TTSN. Be glad to donate / trade them to the RV1. No tires or tubes.
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I have a set of replacement brake pads with rivets. Small item but if they will work on whatever brakes you scrounge and they need some new pads, they are yours.
Grove Aircraft to the rescue!

Grove Aircraft has volunteered to furnish new axles and related hardware! The generosity of our vendors and manufactures continues to amaze me! The RV community is very special indeed.
I have a set of Cleveland brakes (used, needs rebuilding) and discs (new) that I acquired for the Breezy but no longer need. They're in the shop at the moment and I can get the part numbers if you need them, but they're for 6.00X6 1.5 inch axle wheels. The price is surprisingly reasonable.:)

I have a pair of used Cleaveland 6.00x6 wheels that I took off a C-180 for a conversion to put on bigger brakes. I will dig them out and check the condition but, I remember they looked really good.
I have a pair of used Cleaveland 6.00x6 wheels that I took off a C-180 for a conversion to put on bigger brakes. I will dig them out and check the condition but, I remember they looked really good.

Take a look at them Randy, talk to Jay, and see how they compare to the ones Jay has - I'll let you two decide which ones will work best.

I think that with Grove supplying axles, Desser the rubber parts, and either Jay or Randy's wheels and brakes - we have a set.

Excellent work people, simply excellent....less than 24 hours!

Take a look at them Randy, talk to Jay, and see how they compare to the ones Jay has - I'll let you two decide which ones will work best.

I think that with Grove supplying axles, Desser the rubber parts, and either Jay or Randy's wheels and brakes - we have a set.

Excellent work people, simply excellent....less than 24 hours!


Let me know if you need the brake pads. Small item I know, but happy to send them to you.
Still Need Wheels and Brakes - Clevelands


Although Jay VERY generously offered us a complete set of wheels and brakes off of his C-180, they are the heavy-duty McCauleys, and not the Clevelands that are going to fit the wheel pants that Van provided (after building them with his own hands). What we need are set of Cleveland 6.00x6's, like you'd find on one of the Grumman singles.

PLEASE take a look around your hangars - this is going to be a heck of an expense if we have to buy them, and frankly, the donations of cash have been far eclipsed but eh donations of time from many RV volunteers, and of parts by our many vendors. The clock is rapidly ticking down toward Sun n' Fun, and we really want to have this airplane looking the way Van intended - and we can't do that without the right sized wheels.

Somewhere among the 15,000 members of VAF, we shodul be able to come up with these things.... :D