
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
As we get ready to send the RV-1 out on tour we are beginning to realize just how much we are going to be like Scarlett O'Hara "relying on the kindness of strangers...." Except that we have about 15,000 members here who are not strangers - so maybe we can get another quick donation.

Before the airplane gets to Sun 'n Fun, we are going to need a set of tie downs. We could use just about anything that is considered reliable - maybe someone would like to fabricate a set of EAA tie-downs, and have their handiwork accompany the aircraft around the country! (no need to start a many-page debate on what will work at SnF - we all know that some will, some won't.....and a tornado trumps all.... we'll take any one of the "usual suspects".)

Anchors and ropes - we should have a set of rings - if you can help by donating a set, we'll figure out how to get them to catch up with the airplane - which should be leaving Texas in less than a week!

Hope someone can help,

OK - score one more for VAF.

Just 18 minutes and my phone rang!

Thank you Bill Repucci - He's donating a set of "Claws" to the effort. They shoudl even get to fort Worth before the airplane leaves. if we can get this kidn of support all summer, we shoudl be in great shape....
