
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
Last weekend?s RV-1 workday was incredibly productive, and a lot of components were not only removed but checked out, repaired, and re-installed. In fact, with a little cleaning to be done this week, re-assembly is really coming up quickly. Aside from replacing rusted hardware, most of the components are going to be re0usabel (except all that gosh-awful wiring which will just be replaced?).

One item that is probably airworthy but is in really terrible shape is the sheet metal belly pan. This runs from the firewall to the rear of the seat, forming the exhaust tunnel. It was built up out of a number of pieces of aluminum, and was unfortunately damaged in a landing accident a couple of years ago. I would characterize the repair as a ?field repair? ? pound flat enough to get the airplane home, but it?s really going to look awful in the museum. We all stood around looking at it saying ?boy, that really needs to be re-made??but no one felt that they had the tools or talents necessary to simply rebuild it. So we are looking for someone in this great wide RV world who would like to contribute their time and talent to the project!





This would be an easy sub-component to ship to someone as a pattern. The only caveat is that we need to have it back in a reasonable length of time ? say , a month or so ? to make sure that we stay on schedule. It is mostly sheet metal, with the ?bump? (it fairs the bottom of the stick that hangs below the belly) being made out of fiberglass. In looking at the metal pieces that make up the assembly, it appears that there are no compound curves. Paint can be taken care of back at ?Restoration Central?

This could be a project for a really good individual, a team of folks that want to put their signature on the RV-1, or a company that is part of the ?RV Family? and wants to help out. Please let me know with a PM if you would like to volunteer to tackle this task!

Can do...


Should be able to get it done with in a couple of weeks... will need to get the part, take more pics and understand more about fastening. Do we have material? Do you want the bubble back glass or metal? What is the metal spec?
Thanks Reiley!

I have had several PM's already today from a few folks who might be able to do it, and because this is a unique opportunity for folks that aren't in easy range of RV Central to get a chance to work on the project, I want to continue to "take applications" before we pick someone to work on it. Those of us within an easy RV flight of Jay's will get more than our share of chances to wrench on the project - so please folks, anyone else out there that has the experience and desire to tackle this, send me a PM!

I didn't measure the thickness of the aluminum - probably no thicker than 0.032. The fiberglass "bump" is possibly re-usable, but may be so oil-soaked that it makes more sense to replace it.

It would be nice to keep the original part somehow. The more original the restoration, the more significant the artifact becomes. It may be a bit ugly, but that's part of its history.
It would be nice to keep the original part somehow. The more original the restoration, the more significant the artifact becomes. It may be a bit ugly, but that's part of its history.

Well, we talked about it quite a bit. since the damage was done long after Van owned the airplane (just a couple of years ago), and the repair is really pretty darn awful, we felt that if we could replace it, the airplane would be more representative of what Van had.

I believe we have our man by the way - but we are going to need some fiberglass magicians soon, so you guys get warmed up in the bullpen!


Hey Paul,

It's the 29th and I have not heard anything as to fabricating this part. Dove season and deer season are approaching, so I will be heading to the ranch next week and we have the Labor Day weekend booked. So, you state you have located the person to do the job... good deal. I will focus on hunting and the ranch. Made the offer, sorry we could not help. :)

I'd like to publicly apologize for not getting back with you directly on this one - my mistake - my slip-up. There are going to be lots and lots of things that need to get done on the RV-1 project between now and Oshkosh next year, and we're hoping that you'll be able to pick up one or more of them (see - I said that you weren't off the hook!).

The new web site is hopefully going to be going live soon, and when that hap[pens, we'll be making a big push to get more people involved directly with the project - heaven knows, we are going to need more people!

Enjoy your hunting trip - we've got eh belly pan covered, and I think Jay is going to be planning another workday soon.
