Bryan Wood

Well Known Member
Just sitting in a hotel room in Reno and a teaser was on the TV for a 7 episode series called "The Road to Reno" that chronicles the Air Races. It will cover the pylon school, building of the planes, and lots of racing footage. The video they showed from inside a Mustang was pretty cool and even had the engine guages and flight instruments in the corner of the screen. The narrator said that the goal is to build up the races so that they are televised and rival a Nascar event, but that they need to raise exposure to accomplish that goal. From the footage that they showed it looks like the footage that 16R used to sell the video but didn't include in the film. I'll try to learn more about the schedules if I can today and update here later.

Yesterday I went to Stead for the day. Wow. When I get home to a full sized keyboard I'll post about it. One of many things was a tour and conversation by a pilot who flies a Mig 21. It has a 1 inch pipe with a nozzle shooting fuel into the exhaust for a little extra boost. Okay, all the fighters have burners, but after talking about it he lit it off right in front of me and pointed it up. Today I'm going back to sit in a Super Corsair. For those with flying planes a trip to Stead field is a great destination. Maybe a good place for a fly inn. It has the same feel as your local airport with open hangers and welcoming pilots and builders doting over their planes except these planes happen to be RV's, and war birds. It is a great place.

There is nothing else like it

I have never had the experience of being there other than during the race week. I went in 1985 and 1987 and my wife is less than thrilled about sitting in the sun and watching airplanes buzz around a closed course or do aerobatics but it is an experience not to be missed. The idea of a fly-in at a time other than around race week sounds really good for you westerners - I mean really special! So many great fly-in destinations so little time. Hope such an event comes together for you all.

Bob Axsom
Hey, Bryan

I went to the Reno/Stead races for the first time last year. I was out there working so I managed to squeeze the finals in on Sunday. Had a good time and enjoyed the races.
Looks like I will be there same time this year, I plan to fly the 9A and I think Deb will be coming with me. She will get to see the races also.... bet she can't wait. :rolleyes:
Sorry to hear you are stuck in a hotel room. I thought that only happened to me. Got to go to MI on Sunday....
The Reno air races are awesome to see and hear. Hotels start filling up fast so make your arrangements early for the Sept. dates. I stayed at the Peppermill 2 years ago, they have a shuttle bus to Stead and an awesome buffet and coffee shop.

Hope to see other RVers there! :cool: :)
Reno Air Races

This will be 5 years in a row for me. I has now become a tradition. You will not regret going. Last year there was several RV's in the sport class. Very modified however. More like Rockets.

The unlimited class is the bomb! Nothing like a DagoRed being chased by Rarebear or vice versa to get you going!

I hope there will be more RV`s attending the Reno air races this year as the racing has been getting better every year. This will be year number 30 for me this sept. Come say hi at the Furias Sea Fury pit and I will give you the tour. Marc Drake,Furias crew, Miss Ashley II crew, rv6 sold, finishing rv8a this summer. Any questions don`t hesitate to email me
Reno Air Races

For me, the Unlimited, Jet, and T-6 races are like IROC and NASCAR's COT, car-of tomorrow; boring! Give me the F1, Biplane, and Sport where individuality is still present. That's where the action is! But it seems every book I see on Reno is just about the big iron, and totally ignores the fast-paced action of these experimentals!

BTW, there is no charge at the Carson City airport, and there is excellent bus service from there to Reno. Then in Reno, there is fantastic, inexpensive bus service to-from downtown to Stead.
elippse said:
For me, the Unlimited, Jet, and T-6 races are like IROC and NASCAR's COT, car-of tomorrow; boring! Give me the F1, Biplane, and Sport where individuality is still present. That's where the action is! But it seems every book I see on Reno is just about the big iron, and totally ignores the fast-paced action of these experimentals!

You might be pleased to know that this year, the L-39 class will essentially be "unlimited." Look for interesting aerodynamic mods, engine tweaking, and other improvements. (No details, or I'd have to kill you...)

I think it'll be neat to see what folks come up with.
elippse said:
For me, the Unlimited, Jet, and T-6 races are like IROC and NASCAR's COT, car-of tomorrow; boring! Give me the F1, Biplane, and Sport where individuality is still present. That's where the action is! But it seems every book I see on Reno is just about the big iron, and totally ignores the fast-paced action of these experimentals!

Bring on the big iron and the "sounds" any day....

I'm not particularly thrilled with the experimentals. Either is the wife, who is a devout P-51 fan :p

L.Adamson --- trying to make a 6A look like a P-51 ----- but it's awful tough! :D
Can't hear the sound or see the speed of the big iron anywhere else- one of the coolest things in aviation period. No other sound is so sweet as a Merlin at 3500+ rpm and 140+ inches combined with the prop sound and Doppler Effect to an engine guy.

The Sport Class should be interesting this year- more power for the NXTs, improved supercharger belt for the Thunder Mustang and maybe up to 900hp, A redrive for DG's Lancair and the Venture will be back with EFI and 25% more boost. Might we see a 400 mph lap here?