
Well Known Member
This is a continuation of my quest to get my RV-12 painted. The first part of the story, my trip from Indiana to Oregon, is document in this thread. The second part of the story, the painting process, is documented in this thread. Part three covers my 2,200 nm trip back to Indiana.

After two very long days to re-assemble the airplane, I was ready to begin the long flight back to Indiana. John wanted to get a few air-to-air photos on my way out. Here, Patti snapped of picture of us just as we were ready to depart Eugene.

Below are a couple of photos of me over the mountains just east of Eugene.


The weather over the Cascades was sever clear with very little wind. It was easy to spot my landmark, "The Three Sisters", off in the distance. As is typical, I didn't get off as early as I wanted because we were busy fixing a few little details on the airplane. In fact John was buffing the top cowl as I was putting fuel in the airplane! The plan this day was to fly just one leg to Nampa, ID. and spend the night for an early departure the next morning.

I landed at Nampa around 3PM. What a wonderful FBO. Nice airport and extremely helpful. I awoke around 4AM and headed out to depart at the earliest legal time. :rolleyes: Prior to this trip, the advice I received here on the forum was to fly early and land by Noon. That advice was most correct and helpful. Here, the sun is just getting ready to rise above the mountains East of Boise.

The weather was great and the air smooth. I progressed across Idaho following the valley east towards Pocatello. I was worried about approaching this point because it became necessary to weave through the mountains to get to the upper plains of Wyoming. No need to worry. Follow the highway. Here's a shot of me turning south from Pocatello.

Here's a shot of the EFIS as I made my way south.

I landed in Kemmerer, WY. for fuel.

From there, I landed in Laramie for fuel and to assess my weather options. I wish I would have taken a picture at Laramie because is was really beautiful. Laramie sits in a bowl with the mountains all around on three sides. The wind always blows hard there and today was no exception but it was right down one of the runways. The Central Plains was under the influence of a low pressure system so a lot of places were reporting marginal VFR conditions. The exception was South Dakota, where a high pressure system was pushing down from Canada. So I charted a course to Pierre, SD. where I landed and spent the night. I didn't take any pictures because there's not much to see on the way.

Rest of the trip in the next post.
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I spent the night and then departed on my final day of travel. Here's a shot of what you see a lot of in the upper Midwest. Roads that seem to go on to infinity.

I re-fueled at Fort Dodge, IA. and Moore County, IL. before heading off on the final leg home. The weather was marginal at home at the beginning of the day but was forecast to clear up as I arrived in the late afternoon. Here's a shot of me cruising above the scattered layer in central Illinois, less than 30 minutes from finishing my quest.

I arrived home around 4PM to a gathering of friends and family.

I tucked my beauty in the hangar.

I had a blast doing this trip. Other than missing my wife and a problem with my fuel pump over Kansas City, everything went great. The weather was pretty good nearly every day, I met a lot of great people, the FBO's were great in nearly every place I stayed, and I received a wonderful paint job.

I traveled close to 4,400 nm, used 216 gallons of fuel, flew for 43 hours. averaged 5 gallons per hour, and averaged 23.5 miles per gallon (in automobile terms). The RV-12 is very comfortable and a joy to fly.

Get out and enjoy your airplane. There's a lot of country out there to see.
The weather over the Cascades was sever clear with very little wind. It was easy to spot my landmark, "The Twins", off in the distance...


Randy, I absolutely LOVE your paint job, and the story that accompanies it all! Thank you for posting it. It's very inspirational and helpful, since I'm nearing the point of making some decisions about my finish as well.

I thought I might mention, the landmark you're referring to in this picture is known as the "Three Sisters", in Central Oregon. The town of Sisters, Oregon, is near the mountains and it has a nice little airport and wonderful people. It's a very scenic area.

Thanks again for sharing such a great story. :)

Nice report, Randy. Nice airplane, nice paint job, nice trip. You must be a nice guy!

Seriously, thanks for sharing your adventure with us. I first noticed your airplane building talent way back when you were posting about your RV-6.
Nice paint job Randy, Glad you had a good trip. Are we going to get a sighting at Oshkosh???

Hi Tom, sorry I couldn't make up as far as Seattle while I was out. I didn't even make it up to Van's. Yes, I plan to be there through Thursday depending upon the weather of course.

Thanks for the great trip report/adventure.

I am pumped to get mine back together after paint and get flying again!:D
Thanks for sharing your experience and the pictures of your beautiful paint job! Having spent most of my life in the PNW, I couldn't agree more about the beauty and varied environments we enjoy here. Glad you had a safe journey.