It looks like there's a price break if I order the QB before the end of the
year, so it's time for me to figure out the 5 answers to the 5 questions on
the order form. I'd really appreciate any input from you guys.

They are:

Option 1: Fuel float sending units, two, $54. (As opposed to what? The fuel
tanks are already built in, it's not like they're changable.)

Option 2: Pre-punched VFR instrument panel, $25. (Shouldn't this be part of
Finishing, not Fuselage?)

Option 3: External Step Kit, $85 for one, $170 for two.

Option 4: Dual Brake Kit (for second seat) $170

Option 5: Static Air Kit (ports and lines) $18.50

What did you do??
Don Lindsay said:
It looks like there's a price break if I order the QB before the end of the
year, so it's time for me to figure out the 5 answers to the 5 questions on
the order form. I'd really appreciate any input from you guys.

They are:

Option 1: Fuel float sending units, two, $54. (As opposed to what? The fuel
tanks are already built in, it's not like they're changable.)

The fuel tanks aren't really "built in", but they are built. You'll want to take them off for paint prep and to do a pressure leak test.
There are two different types of sending units available but the QB's are built and mostly lock you into the float senders rather than the capacitive senders unless you want to go to some extra work.
For my part, I wanted the float senders anyway so it didn't matter. Just order the float senders and be done with it since you'll probably be adding a fuel flow rig anyway

Option 2: Pre-punched VFR instrument panel, $25. (Shouldn't this be part of
Finishing, not Fuselage?)

Nope, it's part of the fuse and comes with the QB fuse kit. Whether it "shouldn't be" or not is Van's call.
Think twice about the pre-punched panel unless THAT layout is exactly what you are going to want. I'm sure they're out there, but I think most builders "do it their way" because of the many choices available to the Experimental market. The standard QB fuse kit comes with a blank instrument panel so I'd recommend just taking it and designing (and cutting out) the holes for your own panel. You can always buy a prepunched panel later if you decide you want it. Don't let that slow you down for getting the QB fuse ordered this year.

Option 3: External Step Kit, $85 for one, $170 for two.

If you're building an "A" model, get both sides. They may slow you down a MPH or two (or maybe not?), but without them, you'll eventually blow out a knee getting up there, or your passengers will bend and dent all sorts of things trying to step on and grab on to things you don't want them too.
If you're doing a taildragger, you shouldn't need them if you're under 70 years old

Option 4: Dual Brake Kit (for second seat) $170

Not truly necessary but you never know when you'll want to have them available. Perhaps you'll one day take your IFR instruction in your own RV and the instructor will want them... or you may let someone else fly left seat and you'd want to have them available to you? You never know.
What you probably DO want for sure is the the optional parking brake. Sure, you can always tie the RV down, but you won't always for a short lunch stop and you never know when a gust will come up and send her rollin' down a sloped ramp into the fuel pumps

Option 5: Static Air Kit (ports and lines) $18.50

Of course, you need it. The only question is if you want to use the standard Van's kit or if you want to spend 5 times more and get a kit that has better fittings and connectors. From what I've seen, most builders use the Van's kit. It's easy to get carried away and buy all the extra stuff available to where you could be flying a $125,000 RV.

What did you do??

That's all what I did and why which is my personal .02 worth. When you get to about a buck's worth of advice, you'll probably be ready to order. :)
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From what one of my build helpers keeps telling me... "do what YOU want, it's YOUR airplane".

Granted it's always nice to get suggestions so here's what I did:
- float fuel senders because as stated before, QB pretty much locks you into these
- no pre-punched panel for me... my plane, I put what instruments I want where I want. There are people out there that can custom cut the panel to your specs if you wish.
- external steps on both sides of my -7A. Easier for the pax.
- dual brakes for me because who knows who will be flying in the right seat
- I did get the static air kit but I did NOT use it. Went with the very nice setu p from SafeAir1. I think it was worth it.

Good luck!
Don Lindsay said:
It looks like there's a price break if I order the QB before the end of the
year, so it's time for me to figure out the 5 answers to the 5 questions on
the order form. I'd really appreciate any input from you guys.

They are:

Option 1: Fuel float sending units, two, $54. (As opposed to what? The fuel
tanks are already built in, it's not like they're changable.)
I got these - I don't think its worth the work to install capacitance senders.

Option 2: Pre-punched VFR instrument panel, $25. (Shouldn't this be part of Finishing, not Fuselage?)
Not worth it unless you are really sure you want Van's layout - there are several companies who will cut the panel to your set up.

Option 3: External Step Kit, $85 for one, $170 for two.
If you have an A model get both

Option 4: Dual Brake Kit (for second seat) $170
Your choice

Option 5: Static Air Kit (ports and lines) $18.50
The kit from Safeair1 is better, but more expensive. (

Don Lindsay said:
It looks like there's a price break if I order the QB before the end of the

Humm, do you know something we don't? Did they already come out with the 2006 pricelist?
Don Lindsay said:
Option 2: Pre-punched VFR instrument panel, $25. (Shouldn't this be part of Finishing, not Fuselage?)

Scratch the Van's panel and order an Affordable Panel's panel. Much easier to work on, easier to remove, and if you miss drill a hole you only replace one small part, not the entire panel.

(No, the panel is part of the fuselage kit, not the finishing kit.)