
Well Known Member
I found this article about leaning and found it very interesting and informative. I posted in another leaning thread, but I think it is important enough to be able to find quickly and print it out, so I started a thread of it's own. There are good diagnositic tests you can run and forms to record the results. Having a base line of information on your engine can help figure out when things need attention. Pilots Manual (by EI).pdf

If you would to have a printed copy of this fill out the form and they will send you a copy FREE!
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thanks Geico

Thanks for the link. Manual looks to have some good and helpful information. I ordered a free hardcopy.
Great Info

Good post Geico, Thanks mucho!

Just printed mine out...

Merry Christmas,

Deal Fair
RV-4 flying, refurbishing...can't leave the darn thing alone...
George West, TX