
Well Known Member
Yes, for the last year, a friend, Charlie, and I have been working on a secret project -- The Pedal RV. In early 2014, I noticed a comment on the Forum that expressed a need for a child’s pedal airplane made out of aluminum that looked like an RV type aircraft. After a quick search, I realized the only pedal aircraft currently available were made from wood, and resembled WWI and WWII type aircraft. With Charlie’s expertise and advice, we came up with a design/construction plan and began cutting aluminum. The project finally began to come together over the summer, with me building additional pieces and allowing Charlie to disassemble/measure before final riveting. Over the fall, I began work on an extensive construction guide, replete with photos, while Charlie fine tuned the mechanical drawings (CAD). Last week, we turned on our website -- and today, I became a paid advertiser on the Forum. Perhaps in a couple of years, we can have a line up at Oshkosh and award an “Outstanding Workmanship” trophy or something! Please visit the site and let me know if you have any questions. You'll find our advertisement on the "Previous Days VAF News Page."

The prototype was painted to match Brian "Torch" Wampler's RV-8 of the Rocky Mountain Renegades. We share two grandchildren in common.


Jerry Folkerts
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Build a kit!

This might make a GREAT practice kit.

For as many folks who wind up building two empanage kits, this might be a GREAT practice kit, so when you get to the Emp, you have better skills!

Unfortunately, building from plans will not really help that kind of builder. They need a pre-punched kit.

Hmmmm... Van has the equipment to build that kit.


more creative mods....

...and a bubble canopy option!
( noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo the slider / tip-up dilemma!!!)

what about a prop???

what I used on models when I was 10, was a clear plastic disc to simulate a spinning prop. Might help spread the safety message?

5 point harness?

inverted pedal system? :)
Look for Jerry..

Working alongside myself at OSH in HBC he was the original "Coffee Man" up at 5AM to feed the ravished hoardes!!:D
...and a bubble canopy option!
( noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo the slider / tip-up dilemma!!!)

what about a prop???

what I used on models when I was 10, was a clear plastic disc to simulate a spinning prop. Might help spread the safety message?

5 point harness?

inverted pedal system? :)

I think we all know the main question here is whether all parts are etched, alodined and primed before assembly.

Seriously, that looks really cool. I'll have to look into one for my nephew who is now very into the Disney "Planes."

It is going to need a windshield, otherwise when the kid is going down the hill at 40 mph they are going to have a hard time seeing :eek:
RV Pedal Plane



I built this one 18 years ago for my son when he was 3. Its plywood and has an ABS cowling and wheelpants. Used to be able to get the plastic through Spruce, but they aren't made any longer.
But what are you putting on the glare shield edge in case of impact?

Crow Seat Belts? Matching helmet for the first flight?
Pedal plane

Sad they are not as popular as before. That is some incredible workmanship. I would love to build one if it came pre punched. I would even prime it!
mine is on order

I ordered my plans over the weekend. Jerry said they would be mailed today. We are excited about another RV project in the hangar. We have 8 grandchildren and the oldest one just turned nine. Ok, he won't use it, but I am sure others will.:D They love to hang out at the airport with us.
payload and interior dimensions

What are the gross and empty weights :). Will I be shunned if I register it 20lbs over manufacturers recommended gross weight?

Do you have plans for a tandem coming out anytime soon? If I recall Van was hesitant to design the 4 so might as well start bugging you now... ha ha!

No seriously I'm wondering what pilots will fit? 1, 2, 3, ... year olds? How tall can they be and fit?
Ordered mine

Ordered a set of plans. Don't know what I'm going to do with it yet since I have no kids.
Just want to say the photo type is in flight testing. Jerry gave a report at the last EAA 1387 meeting, all is going well.

This thing has to evolve into a pre-punched kit, grandkids don't have years to wait for their RV. By college age they won't fit. :)
I've received lots of questions so here goes.

We wanted to gauge interest before considering a pre-punched kit. We're both retired and trying to build airplanes, fly, and other things, so we don't want life to get too complicated. Bringing this to market took a lot of time and energy in terms of polishing up the drawings, the manual, the business aspects including copyright, tax licenses, web sites etc. I've had several inquiries about kitting this and will follow up depending on interest.

Reference size, it will all depend on the build of the child. It's designed for larger two year olds up to six year olds. The girl in the picture on the website is a four year old of slightly larger build and there was still quite a bit of room. So far, distance to the pedals has not been a problem. The plane itself is very strong.

Many have said they don't want to drill holes. As a builder of two planes from plans, you're all getting soft :) It's actually pretty easy. I like to use a drill press and drill all my holes against a fence. That way they line up real nice. The turtle deck was the only real challenge. And remember, if you make a mistake -- you can fill the hole. This thing is not taking to the air!

It takes five 2'x4' sheets of .032 6061 T6. We chose it because of its corrosion characteristics and strength. You won't be able to easily dent this toy. The longerons are simple 5052 from Lowes or Home Depot.

I generally used whatever I had excess in the shop and the dimensions are not that critical. You have tremendous flexibility if you want to make the empennage larger or change the shape of the nose etc.

Bottom line: It is not a one man weekend project but it is easily within all your skill sets. It will take around 75 hours depending on how you finish it off. Personally, I believe it would make a great EAA chapter project to auction off and donate money to your Young Eagles programs etc.

Feel free to send me a personal note if you have a specific question.

For those of you that have ordered the plans, we sincerely want your feedback to address any areas we can make more clear, identify any mistakes we overlooked, and feedback as to the quality of the product.

Jerry Folkerts
Looks good, but I think a T-18 may have spent a night in the hangar. Might want to look into that :D

Also, just FYI: Dan Horton or Kahuna will be putting an O-360 on this...
and smoke...

I built a pedal Eagle around 1990 for my kids and my second grandchild is just about ready for it. That was a project! Wood, sheet metal, welding, etc.
Pedal RV (and carpet)

Shout out to Bill E / fixnflyguy. Nice job on the Pedal RV. I built the Aviation Products Scorpion pedal plane for my son a few years back and can appreciate the great job you did. But what I'm really curious about is the carpet she's parked on (slight thread drift here). That, and the "airliner windows" in the second photo have me guessing you were with a "major international carrier" at some point. I obtained some of that same carpeting at Boeing Surplus years ago. Every time I cockpit jumpseated with that airline, I had to remark "hey, I've got this carpeting in my Luscombe".

SEA area
-4, wings
The shop (thread drift)

I don't want to steal any thunder from Jerry's thread! I often wished I had built mine of metal, and he is really on to a cool project/plans to go all metal..I just like all the pedal planes, and may build another some time. As for my shop stuff Doug, I worked for a major airline or two in the area for 25 years, and now manage heavy overhauls/mods at a local MRO..the windows in my shop office are a section of window belt from a 737..I cant divulge the source, but they get lots of compliments. Maybe I need to post in a separate thread later.
I'm seriously interested in this. Is there a plans preview available? My first kid is due any day, and given the speed I build it'll be done about the time he can actually use it :D

If you get into the pre punched market before I start one, put me first in line! Race 89 needs a little brother.;)
Plans arrived

My set of plans arrived yesterday. We can't wait to get started. Plans and manual look very nice.

On the yellow and white one by fixnfly, it is not clear how the wheels are driven? Is this one foot powered like a Flintstones car?

The OP's design looks like it has a crankshaft coupling the wheels. Maybe I'm over-thinking this -- do you need some kind of clutch or differential to allow it to turn without skidding a wheel?

I haven't noticed any skidding. The tailwheel is steerable of course, and I have the prototype set up to turn about 30 degrees.

Someone asked me about dimensions. The prototype is 59 " long, 44" wide (wing span), and 25" tall.

Jerry Folkerts
Waiting Pictures

OK guys, I've had a good response to the plans. There should be several already under construction by now. Let's see some photographs! They are now under construction in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Switzerland. Most appear have gone to grandfathers. I'm still waiting on some EAA Chapter projects to pop up. Think of it as the precursor to Young Eagles, perhaps the Very Young Eagles. There should be a Pedal RV at least on every airport where there are RVs stationed.
Jerry Folkerts
Getting materials

I'm getting the materials for it this weekend. Although my nephew is too big for it, he is stoked about helping me build it. A friend of mine has a son interested in airplanes. I think that's where it will be going.
Progressing Well

Hello, I received the pedal plane plans package #51 from Jerry on 7/7/2016. Receiving awesome assistance from a friend who is building an RV12. The current status is fuselage, fuselage skins, longerons, bulkheads, wing spar and upper cowling all clecoed together. It's Proceeding nicely and I'm having great fun! I highly recommend the pedal plane for a fun starter kit to determine if you want to build the real thing. I'll email photos if anyone is interested. I don't have any up on a website that I can add a link from.
T-6 Pedal Plane

I built a T-6 pedal plane a bunch of years ago for my son when he was little. This was from plans bought from that fellow that had a bunch of them on display at Oshkosh. I figured if I could do something like that, then I could take on an RV project.

The original design had a half cut rubber football as a fixed spinner on it. I bought plans for the pedal GB racer so I could modify the propeller on the T-6. Worked out great and the prop turned when pedaling around.

I'd post a picture but I seem to have trouble figuring out how to do that!

Hopefully this works...
T-6 pedal plane

Very nice! I was glad to come across some plans for an aluminum pedal rv. It's quite light and easy to pedal and it was a lot of fun to build. It was a great way for me to get a feel for building a real one. My grandson loves it. I plan to take it to Sun N Fun and let him pedal around there. Trying to foster an aviation interest in him. :)
Our second build

Moonpie and I finally finished our pedal RV. Serial #4, I think.

My second build

I completed the RV pedal plane in Feb of 2017. Made a few modifications to the original plans.... removable wings, landing gear, and horizontal stab for ease of shipping. My twin grandsons live in Reno and I wanted to be able to ship it out to them. Of course, it is an exact replica of my RV8, "Miss Claire". This one was S/N #25. Pictures as soon as I can figure out how to post them.
My Dad and a Friend have built a RV Pedal plane for my sister son. So he learns early to handle a taildragger :)

He made a video about the construction and how the boy is driving around. I really like the fact that he always cleans the plane after using it :)
Check out after 13min!

Beautiful job and what a fantastic gift! You can truly see how much he loves it. This will be his son's "first plane" some day.
This single video made this whole project worthwhile. This is what it is all about -- the smile.
Jerry Folkerts
Grandson?s RV

Another completion, used a giant scale prop and spinner, belt driven from pedal crank as per EAA plans.
2 yr?s Birthday, he?s too small yet to reach the peddles.



Nice! That's quite a progress in RV building Bruce. When I visited on Labor day the fuse barely started :D