
Well Known Member
Now that it is 08 how about this for a USA panel for IFR.
Dynon EFIS/EMS list price 3200
Becker AR4201 list price 1800
Becker 4401 list price 2000
GPS for navigation
Gobs of breakers and switches
Tunes Radio
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Well, I'm not sure exactly what you are looking for in your post. What do you mean by USA panel? I went to the Becker site to look up those radios. Since you listed prices I'll point out the AR4200 is a remote unit so you'll need to include a control head on your list. I could not find the AR4400 but I assume that is a NAV radio and if it is a remote unit like the COM you'll need to throw in the control head. Finally you need to add a transponder.

The setup you list might meet the min requirements for IFR equipment, but I would recommend more than just a 1 NAV/COM radio setup. I'd go with 2 COMs, 1 NAV and an IFR GPS. Others have different opinions on this, like adding a backup attitude indicator, and that's OK.

Hope this helps.
Panel of 08

I'm sorry I didn't mention a GPS for navigation. ILS and VORs are old. The Becker's are a 760 com (AR4201) and a Transpoonder (4401). That's what thier website says .The spares are carried in the back with the spare engine! The Dynon EFIS/EMS (Flightdec-D 180) has mode C reporting. Any IFR pilot should know that spare radios are not needed for IFR in the US of A. In this forumn we talk about things that pertain to builders of Van's airplanes. What I was saying is many folks spend thousands of dollars on instruments that aren't required! The last time I checked Van's airplanes are experimental airplanes. Radios for production planes are not needed here. Just ones that work. Lee
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Gee, is that what these forums are for? In the 3+ years I've been a member I'd have never have guessed that. I apologize profusely. :rolleyes: Look, you asked for opinions and I gave you mine--no right or wrong here. Yep I missed the fact the 4400 is a transponder. No argument on what is legal--I know Part 91 as well as the next guy. I didn't say you had to have 2 COMs and a NAV, I merely suggested it. I personally think VOR/GS/LOC capability is still worth having, but if you don't that's OK as I'm not out to convert anyone. If YOU want to fly with the MINIMUM so be it, to each his own. I don't now and won't when my RV-10 is finished--simple as that. YMMV.
Sure, that would work for VFR. I'd personally go with a single SL30 because you are ABSOLUTELY 100% required to have a VOR or ADF in the airplane for IFR use. The FAR's clearly state that you need navigation radios appropriate to GROUND stations being used. GPS does NOT satisfy this requirement.

In addition, if you've used GPS much in the IFR environment, you know that RAIM can go south at any time, requiring you to go back to ground based NAV or vectors.

In addition you are usually required by your OpLim's to remain day VFR unless your aircraft is equipped for Night or IFR ops, that equipment would be the same for you as for the certified airplane, because it is all spec'd out in part 91 (General Ops...) as opposed to part 23, which would pertain only to certified aircraft.

The Dynon is cheaper, but would also be my second choice behind Advanced's EFIS. That said, if my RV-4 gets a panel it'll most likely get a Day/Nite VFR, FlightDek180 then wait for the -7,-8 or rocket for the IFR setup.