Tony Kirk

Well Known Member
As a result of the recent R&D Prototype Shop vacancy at Van's Aircraft I have the extreme pleasure to announce that I have been selected for the position.

I'd like to thank Rian Johnson, Scott Risan, Scott McDaniels and Ed Chesney for having the faith in my abilities to bring me into the Van's Aircraft family.

I also want to say THANK YOU to Mr. Richard VanGrunsven for making the whole RV community possible! Without him none of this would even exist.

The thrill and excitement I'm feeling are an order of magnitude beyond the feelings I had after I flew the first flight of my RV-6A 11 years ago!

I think the "RV Grin" on my face is permanent!
Welcome to the West Coast!

And best of all...No more Toledo winters! :D
Tony was one of the first RV guys that I met when I was looking to buy. I throughly enjoyed the flight in his -6A.