
Well Known Member
I've always wanted to fly over to the Mauston New Lisbon (Wi) airport for the EAA chapter's annual fly-in there. They have arms outstretched for RVs and if you don't like the planes, there are rows and rows of old Farmall tractors you can look at.

But I came for the planes and, if I had to admit, the slight -- very slight -- possibility that if the best RVs on the planet didn't show up, maybe I could score a nod for best RV in the polished class, assuming there was a polished class (which there wasn't).

Then I landed and saw this:


Lyle Hefel has built 8 airplanes! Every one is a work of art.

I see a lot of fancy paint jobs at Oshkosh -- you know the ones, tons of airbrushing. They're really great the first time you see them and then after a year or so the novelty wears off and it never strikes you quite is the same.

This is the exception. I never tire of seeing it.
I have know Lyle for many years going back to his first RV-6 and his RV-4 which looked like the present day RV-8. All have been award winners. I can only dream of having Lyle's building skill!!
Old Crow

Bob, I can't thank you enough for joining us at our Fly -In.
Lyle did win our glass trophy, that being said you have a gorgeous bird with outstanding workmanship. I do not like the judging part. The reason is how do you put a number on a form to judge rivets etc. the stories of the builds and travels in our time machines are more precious than any trophy.
Next year I have some new ideas for our show, maybe trophies for the longest distance, most hours on the RV. Etc. open to new ideas, maybe a polished class as well.
That being said Lyle, brining in Old Crow was a true pleasure and his workmanship is mind blowing. Thank you for posting this. Don
I have know Lyle for many years going back to his first RV-6 and his RV-4 which looked like the present day RV-8. All have been award winners. I can only dream of having Lyle's building skill!!

Doug is no stranger to the glass trophy at our Fly-In His 7 won it a couple years back another gorgeous RV with incredible workmanship.
Next year I have some new ideas for our show, maybe trophies for the longest distance, most hours on the RV. Etc. open to new ideas, maybe a polished class as well.

I would't change anything. I had a great time. The hot rods were gorgeous, I had a pleasant chat with a young man with the fire department, I got to talk to an RV-12 owner and saw it close up (I've always wanted to ride in an RV-12...hint...hint, America).

I need to learn more about the gentleman with the tractor collection sometime. Those were gorgeous.

All in all, a morning well-spent.

It looks like a great EAA chapter there. I kinda miss being in a local chapter.
I'm going to be up that way in October to go trout fishing on Lake Superior. If you haven't had your ride by then, I can swing by the twin cities on my way home.