Jerry Fischer

Well Known Member
Just made my first post knee replacement flight in the RV1 yesterday.
All went as expected. Beautiful clear Fall day here in NE Georgia. May try to go over to LZU today as Aluminum Overcast is there for the weekend and get a picture with the RV1 next to her to illustrate EAA covers all of aviation interests.
Flight 2 after knee surgery

Yesterday, Sunday I flew over to KLZU since the Aluminum Overcast was there for our EAA 690 fundraiser and had Joel Levine take several pictures with both planes so we could contrast the spirit of EAA from large to small.
I took several with my phone camera but they were not very good.
I will post Joel's pictures when I receive them. :p

Good Morning Scott,
You are correct about not many flying. In fact I don't know of any other RV1's in existence other than Dick VanGrunsvens in the EAA Museum.
I would certainly be interested in knowing of any others in existence.
Glad to hear that you're airworthy again Jerry!

With regards to other RV-1's....we did extensive research for over a year when we were part of the RV-1 program, and while there were rumors about a 3rd airplane, we pretty much concluded that they were false. The research is buried in a box somewhere, but it was a sort of confused identity about the same airplane, and some weird database entries decades ago.

I'm pretty sure the Mockingbird is the only one flying (flying without wires that is....).

thought I might intice you to Athens for one of our meetings so the gang can see her--then off to Winder for lunch or something

Glad to see you're on the mend, Jerry. I was in Griffin over the weekend visiting my Dad. I saw that Aluminum Overcast was going to be at LZU - wish I would've headed over. Would've liked to see the Mockingbird:D