
Well Known Member
What could this:

and this:

Possibly have in common....well yes Andi was there both times. But they are in fact, the same river! It was Andi's idea to explore a rite of passage for Minnesotans, a trip to Itasca State Park and the Headwaters of the Mighty Mississip. (A gift from Minnesota - you are welcome, America! )

The weather was a bit funky, but at 5500 we were above some lower scud and over the top for about 10 min. Here Andi studies something intently....

The approach to Itasca obscured by the heavy smoke from out west - not the greatest pics this trip.....

Headwaters from the air:

Once we landed, Andi makes the ritual crossing with some friends:

It was a fun place with lots of kids:

The hiking trails were full of quiet solitude:

Some cool sights along the way.....

And great views of the lake.....

We finished the trip with a large Turtle Parfait from Dairyland in Bagley, MN as recommended by Colleen at City Hall - she also confirmed the car was in working order for us.

Nice little airport in Bagley, smooth strip, nice lounge with clean bathrooms, and cold A/C. No fuel, so plan accordingly. The park is an easy 30 min drive south. The park was impressive, bigger and better than we imagined. We both loved it and recommend the trip!
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Very sweet! Every good thing starts with one drop, or one rivet. Thanks for the writeup.

In that vein, $25 to VAF for the first verified flight to the headwaters of the Amazon, the Nile, or the Yangtze. 1, 2, 3, Go!!!!

(This means you, Vlad, Turbo, Rosie.... ;-)
Very sweet! Every good thing starts with one drop, or one rivet. Thanks for the writeup.

In that vein, $25 to VAF for the first verified flight to the headwaters of the Amazon, the Nile, or the Yangtze. 1, 2, 3, Go!!!!

(This means you, Vlad, Turbo, Rosie.... ;-)

Bill, flying over open ocean doesn't bother me in the least but the thought of flying over the Amazon jungle scares me to no end!!!! I'll check with Sharkbait as he's flown down that way a couple of times now :D Rosie
Every trip you take sounds fantastic and makes me want to follow in your flight plans.