
Active Member

This is my personal logbook starting from first flight 12 years ago. Each destination is weighted by size according to the amount of flights I've had there.

It was pretty easy to make, and I thought some of you might enjoy doing the same. In fact, it could make a great personalized t-shirt, or desktop wallpaper, or even print and frame it?

Merry Christmas & Cheers to the love of flying :)

How to:

I made this image at wordclouds.com

For those of you who keep an electronic logbook, it's pretty easy.. just copy all of your destination airports into a big block of text. Then at the site above, click the "word list" button, and then in the dialog that opens there's a link at the top to "paste/type text". Click that, paste your airports, and voilĂ !

Mess around with all the settings to get it looking right. I had to go back into my "word list" and change the number weight on some airports to tweak it just right.