Dad's RV-10

Well Known Member
Several months ago, I paid Paul for a set of Control Approach pedals to retrofit into my RV-10. Sometime later, Paul called and said there was an issue with the design causing some kind of misalignment. Paul's remedy is to rely on the use of a set of adjustable Matco master cylinders.

After some further discussion, Paul said he was in the process of a redesign that will make the pedals adjustable, mitigating the need for the specific adjustable master cylinders. I told Paul I'd wait for the redesigned version.

Some more time has passed and I received an email from Paul indicating that he wants to ship a set of the "pre revised" pedals. I'm getting the sense the redesign isn't progressing as planned.

The plane is undergoing some extensive refitting so I decided to buy the Control Approach pedals, primarily because they seem to be a better choice ergonomically vs. the stock style pedals.

It looks like Control Approach pedals have been available for nearly a decade, but apparently the design is not "mature." A search of the forums suggests there have been several iterations.

I'd like to get some feedback from those who have dealt with this alignment issue. Despite having already paid for the pedals, I'm wondering if this is a can of worms worth opening?

I'm not sure how much of an upgrade this really is (beyond some subjective aesthetics).


EDIT: Pedals received January 31st 2022
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Control Approach Pedals

I have an early generation set of Paul’s pedals in my 10, so I can’t vouch for the later iterations. However I will say that Paul is a stand-up guy and went above and beyond to replace parts when USPS did their best “gorilla test” on my pedals when they were shipped even though they never paid out the insurance. If your airplane isn’t flyable yet, I’d contact Paul and voice your concerns, I’m sure he’ll help you get to a solution.

WE had a set of the RV10 and RV14 pedals from Paul in our booth at OSH. I now have them in my shop in SC, doing some plumbing mods. The set I have has the Matco masters, and looks just fine. Even had them in the 14 mockup.
So if there is some sort of major differences, I dont know what they are.
I will say that they are really nice to work with.

... The set I have has the Matco masters, and looks just fine...
So if there is some sort of major differences, I don't know what they are...

I assume you mean you have the adjustable Matco master cylinders?

Paul and I communicated again yesterday. I will be waiting for the latest version that will be adjustable without the need for adjustable MC's.

Hopefully, they will be ready to ship in the next few months.