
Well Known Member
I have heard the 2 happiest days in an airplane owners life (or boat or car or home etc.) are the day he gets his plane and the day he sells it.

I now know this to be only a half truth. A bloke in Australia has purchased my F1. Didn't argue price just said I'll take it and sent a deposit. I really was not mentally prepared for this. I really had been relieved everytime a tire kicker would call and eventually say okay I'll get back to you as I knew and hoped they wouldn't.

I have had 520 wonderful hours riding in the front seat of my Rocket. It has taken me from Maine to San Diego and from Key West to Hillsboro Oregon. From the Mississippi Gulf Coast to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and an infinite number of places in between. It has slogged through a lot of nasty IFR and carried me to 14,000 feet over frontal systems spanning from Texas to Pennysylvania. It has done all of this reliably and safely. It taught me basic acro and sharpened my stick skills beyond what I thought possible.

A couple of days ago in the early, AM, it left McComb Mississippi and climbed through a 400" overcast to on top at 4000' and flew non stop 546 Nautical Miles to Moundridge Kansas. On top I cancelled IFR popped a Credence CD into the player and cranked up the volume this was followed by 3 dog night and then the balance of the trip was just the music of the engine.

Climbed to 6,500' where XM told me I had my best winds. Wide open throttle, 2200 RPM, and LOP saw 192 KTS TAS at 10.8 GPH.

Stayed over a solid deck almost to Little Rock then severe clear.

Thought I would have to stop around Tulsa but my bladder was cooperating and XM told me where the winds changed and went down to 4500' and picked up a 15 knot tail wind right about Tulsa.

Beautiful smooth air and good visibility most of the trip. The Lycs 6 cylinders purred the entire trip and CHTs all stayed around 360.

The last 20 miles I took off my headset and for the very last time listened to the rush of air and the pounding cylinders doing their work. Cacophany to some but music to me.

In all my time in the Rocket I must admit about a third of my landings were less than perfect but this day I made a squeaker which was good because there was an audience.

With a heavy heart I helped them push N395V into the hangar where it will be dissassembled, crated, and shipped to Australia.

Base on e mails from the new owner who talked to his agent shortly after I arrived, he is now experiencing the happiest day in his life.

I climbed into the right seat of a friends Apache with and had a long depressing flight home. Haven't slept in 2 nights nor eaten a full meal and worry they will screw something up taking the Rocket apart. The thought of someone elses wrench touching N395V makes me sick in my stomach.

While I love my Radial it will never, in my heart, replace my comfortable old pair of shoes that will now spend the rest of its life upside down on the bottom of the world.
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Hey Milt,
Glad to hear you sold your F1 (I think). I was pretty sad when I sold my RV-6 too. I have an RV-8 fastback that is close to being ready. Your RR is beautiful... How are things in Summit?

Scott Hersha
You might get more than money out of it.

I sold my RV-6 about 3 years ago to a gentleman in Ontario Canada. I had to sell my bird that took me 6 years to build because I couldn't afford to fly it and start a family at the same time. I too was sick when I finally had to fly the RV 2558 miles to her new home and deliver her to her new owner. However, I got more than just a check after I turned her over to Doug. He is a super nice guy that bought my airplane and he takes as much care for the RV and he does his own kids. He has had so much fun flying her around and his kids love to go flying. I basically got adopted into their family and we spend hours talking on the phone about flying and RV's. He idolizes me to a certain point because he cannot believe I stood in front of a bench for 6 years to create what takes him all over the country to fly-ins. He's told me on a number of occasions that he would never be able to have the patience to build a RV, so he was happy to see my plane for sale. It was a match made in heaven and I got true friend out of the deal besides a check. We call other all the time to chat and he is rooting me on now that I am back to building a sister to his RV-6. Someday I will get the pleasure to ride along side of her again in my new mount and we will both be smiling ear to ear. You never know who is going to buy your bird and the new owner of your Rocket might call you now and again to let you know how great of a job you did building her and how happy he is to own. It's always made me fell better knowing it went to someone who truely appreciated how much effort it took to make it. Aden Rich
Hey Scott,

Hot and humid here in Summit. All thats left to do on the RR is sand prime and paint. As you can imagine at 100% humidity and 90 degrees the sanding is miserable. I think a QB 8 may be my next project.


Your point about "someday he will cal" is pretty cogent here.

Scott and I flight instructed together in the early 70s in Kalamazoo Mich. Went our separate ways and didn't have contact for 30+ years. Bumped into him here on VAF a couple of years ago.