
Well Known Member
I haven't been posting much on here lately... with the new baby (4.5 months old now!) my head hasn't really been in the plane. Since she was born, I did manage to finish the FAB and all my tips. Yesterday I did a massive cleanup of the shop. All my panel stuff from Stein is arriving this week!! I've ordered my interior from Classic Aero, which should arrive this fall.
Now, as far as I can tell, this is what I have left to do:

1) wheel pants, gear leg fairings, intersection fairings
2) wiring wiring wiring, panel (I've started some of this).
3) riveting on front "turtle deck" skin and laying-up the windshield fairing.

For (1), my plan is to do pre-assembly of some of the parts (hinges in leg fairings, nutplates and pre-fitting of wheelpants) and do final alignment and intersection fairings out at the hangar after I've flown a few hours. My HOPE is that I can do one major push this winter and get this and the rest of (2) and (3) all done by early Spring. I'm going to be on parental leave for 4 months, and my wife will also be off, so I should get at least 25 hours a week building over those 4 months. What do you think, is this possible?? I've already given my hangar tenant 7 months' notice!
should do it

I think you can, but that's because I'm pretty much is the same spot, except I've done my wheel pants and fairings. I just have to finish the panel install, (waiting for that Advanced Deck) rivet on the top skin and the windshield. I'm hoping to fly before the end of the year. With school back in session here, and my military orders finishing up at the end of the month, I should be able to get that final push done too.

Good luck, see you at the "finish line" (is there one of those?)