
Well Known Member
While catching an RV clip on youtube yesterday, I came across something that is currently generating a lot of interest and excitement among Team RV members. Seems there is a computer savvy, 13 year old on an aviation fast track. Care to bet Team RV hastens the speed!!

As most of you know, Kahuna flies a quick little number, his little ol Super 8:


Not a great picture but I'm a little partial, for obvious reasons;)

Now check out this video:

To cut to the chase, since the 13 year has his name out on the "team" website, here is a quick cut & paste off his website:

I am 13 and want to be a pilot and would like help to achieve my
dream. I love flying! I have gotten to fly in a Bell 47 (same as the
Mash helicoper), a Beechcraft Musketeer (my first flight, thank you
Joel), a Bonanza, Beech V35 Boananza, the Ford, a Cessna 172, and a
Grumman Cheeteh. I went to Oshkosh for the EAA Air Academy Lodge
this past summer and loved it. I fly MS Flight Simulator almost
everyday and fly out of Pioneer Field online with my friends who are
located all over the world. i am also on the Red Star Stunt team. My
home airport is KLZU. I fly : RV-8 N678MS (lead)

I would encourage you to read the following links to get a feeling of what it felt like, still feels like, to be a kid, with your fingers gripped onto the airport fence, watching through the fence triangles, pre-flights, takeoffs, landings, fuelings, or just pilots walking around on the ramp carrying headsets or flightbags; all the things we take for granted, but he see as a dream. Long sentence but I wanted to paint the picture. Just look at how far this young man has taken his dream. It is as far as he can currently take it, but rest assured, based on the banter going on at the Team RV site, his aviation passion is about to get a turbo boost. Remember, they are watching. It just may be that quick smile, that quick hi, dropping down to one knee to get eye level, which may be the straw that tips the scale of that young child's aviation dream.
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He's everywhere, he's everywhere!

Seem's like Kahuna's been on everyones wing at least once..

He created my -8 himself. He is a computer whiz.
I spoke to his father this morning and he said that many of you have sent him e-mail's of encouragement already. This kid is on cloud nine. And so am I.

I can't wait to see him leading a formation tomorrow. Life is good.
You can contact him yourself dakodascommand @ comcast. net (ditch the spaces) for encouragement or to ask him about the rv-8 he created in Flight Sim X.

Oh and you guys with those pictures of my plane, those pictures are spectacular. The colors in those photos are awesome. Makes me very proud of the colors I picked(ok Michelle picked em) and paint job I shot (yes I did it myself in my basement). Pretty cool.

rv8 fx

Does anyone know where he got the -8 for FSX?

There was a link on one of the webpages associated with our young aviator friend that takes you to the download of the RV8 for fsx. I down loaded and installed it, but it did not have a panel :confused:

If anyone else has the same problem and finds a solution to it, please post it.
He created my -8 himself. He is a computer whiz.
I spoke to his father this morning and he said that many of you have sent him e-mail's of encouragement already. This kid is on cloud nine. And so am I.

I can't wait to see him leading a formation tomorrow. Life is good.
You can contact him yourself dakodascommand @ comcast. net (ditch the spaces) for encouragement or to ask him about the rv-8 he created in Flight Sim X.

Oh and you guys with those pictures of my plane, those pictures are spectacular. The colors in those photos are awesome. Makes me very proud of the colors I picked(ok Michelle picked em) and paint job I shot (yes I did it myself in my basement). Pretty cool.


I agree, it is totally cool.

Just wondering, did you ever get the blisters at the fuel tanks under control? I've been thinking about repainting and I've been thinking about building new tanks. No decision yet.
childhood dreams

The original post really got me thinking and reflecting. I hadn't thought about or really remembered how those dreams felt when I was a youngster for a long time - thank you for that post Dana.

I was in the Canadian Air Cadet program as a teenager, for 7 years. That's where I learned to fly gliders and small planes. I used to go to airshows and it was all so magical. Walking around the static displays, the military pilots in their flight suits were gods to me. My dream was to become one of them someday, and i lived and breathed that dream (unfortunately a head injury when I was 17 pretty much guaranteed the military would never take me as a pilot, so I became a mathematician and joined the army reserve instaed :rolleyes:). When I see the air cadets doing charity fundraising out in the community, or when I see them at the airfield gliding, it really takes me back. Now here I am building my very own airplane, and Dana's post made me stop and think... I really should take the time more often to appreciate how lucky I am to have the opportunity to do this, and to meet so many other great aviation folks through the RV community. Sure, I didn't get to realise my dream of becoming a career military pilot, but this is almost as cool. I mean how many career military pilots end-up building and flying their own plane? Most, I bet, stop flying completely after the air foce stops letting them. To see a young kid dreaming about becoming an RV-builder, wow. That really makes me think... we are incredibly lucky to have the opportunity and inclination to do this.

Now with a little-one on the way myself, I wonder what he/she will dream about... I can always hope it will be airplanes, but I'd be thrilled if he/she becomes as passionate about something (whatever it is) as we are about airplanes.