
Well Known Member
Year 2009. Florida. I am volunteering at S-n-F with sheet metal workshop. My RV is half done. My good buddy Rich Denton is having a party at his camper. He is 40. Very few pay attention to this kid.

4th of July 2016. New Jersey. The Dentons are vacationing at Cape May. My RV is flying. A message comes from Rich my older son Morgan wants a ride. Sure perfect reason to go flying. Here they come proud father and son to KWWD Cape May airport.

Morgan is thirteen and very interested in aviation. He flown in a Piper couple months ago and loved it. We brief the route and take off Morgan manipulates controls from the right seat. We have only one ANR headset and we alternate its usage. We also take turns in flying the RV each for 15-20 minutes. Morgan is doing an excellent job flying straight and level and making turns.

We flew along the Jersey Shore had a breakfast at Ocean City then headed toward New York. Over Verrazano Bridge I took over and we flew Hudson River Corridor Morgan made tons of stills and shot a video. Good job kid! Great plane spotting skills! There were dozens of small crafts along the shoreline and he located nearly all of them.

Then we stopped somewhere for an ice cream and an hour later we were back at Wildwood. Morgan and I spent nearly three hours in the air he didn't believe me when I told him that. Here he is future JB Captain. Come next year I already have the route for you. :)

Awesome, Vlad!! Maybe he'll take you for a ride when he's captain of the shiny new Boeing 888. :D

I just took my second passenger up in the RV-9A, and I'm having a blast sharing the experience.
you made an impression on me, i can't imagine what the kid was thinking after that flight. bravo. :)